The year is slowly drawing towards its closing point with just over ten weeks to go. 2016 has been labeled the ‘Year of Completion’ which it has lived up to this name in magnitude. Vast amounts of clearing, cleansing, letting go of and direction changes have occurred. I have witnessed these shifts for myself and in those around me.
When things come to an end, a completed project, an amazing adventure or in more somber terms relationship transitions or jobs lost there can be sadness. Yet there is always joy to be had on the opposite reflection. Every situation presents the opportunity to celebrate.
Looking back over the past year with all its highs and lows I am so grateful for everything I have experienced so far in 2016. Even in the not so happy times I can celebrate the phase being completed. It could have been rough going at the time but now I’m out the other side I feel lighter and evolved.
Even when amazing things have happened it can be sad they have now finished. Yet the path laid down for me from these great times is leading to other exciting adventures. Giving me the chance to use the tools and gifts I have gained along the way thus far.
Reviewing the last six months.
Last weekends Super Full Moon in Aries had me floating in a beautiful pool of gratitude as it invited me to review all that has come to light since April. When you first start working knowingly with the universe and the moon cycles it can take a while to find your groove. Once you surrender your trust to the process, follow your heart and intuition the magic starts to show up even quicker.
There are still twists, turns and bumpy roads on this path that show up as challenges. It’s not always easy breezy but this adds some flavour and builds the all-important inner strength.
Today I would like to share with you my experiences that this whole manifesting, woo woo witchy stuff can work. Not just for me but for anyone as long as your intentions are clear and pure for the highest greatest good and you do the work. Nothing is ever handed to us on a plate; we’ve got to put the effort in! Then the rewards are even sweeter.
Here’s my story.
First let’s rewind way back to the end of 2015 which was another pretty epic year. My career sphere was as ever having a switch up. (Never a dull moment!) There were many new opportunities presenting to branch out in the yoga teaching side of my life. Talk about decisions to make. Some options had been on my radar for a while and others were brand new. It felt right at this time to expand my offering further. The hot yoga I teach is obviously very limited to having a specially set up hot room to teach from. To assist a wider audience to heal and experience yoga I was being pulled outwards towards something else…I just hadn’t figured out what.
Cards: The Souls Journey Lesson Cards, J.Van Praagh, Hay House
The Aries and numerology 8 in me is always hunting out new opportunities and ways of improving. This part of me can also be impulsive and jump ahead too quickly. There was something holding me back from any decision-making with this one, which turned out to have been a very good move in the long run.
In December of the same year I attended an Energy Mastery Retreat in Sedona with intuitive channeler Lee Harris. Each attendee had the opportunity to ask Lee’s channeled guides the Z’s a personal question. The question I was drawn to asking turned out to be based on the above decision. Without being too specific I kept my question broad leaving it open to all movement teaching methods.
The Z’s guidance was just what I needed to hear (of course). There is no right or wrong decision here. Whichever path I choose would have positive results. There will be great learning along the way if I take a side road or not. Each path will still lead to where I am meant to be heading and on the same time line. No fast tracking or delaying. Ultimately my decision should be made on what will give me greater freedom.
Ah freedom, this is something I was craving. Being able to be more creative and experiment with different ways of achieving a desired outcome. Another part of me wished for me more freedom so I wasn’t relying on other people as much to employ me in tougher times. More freedom to create my own opportunities. I was seeing boutique yoga spaces were popping up in people’s homes all over the place. Having long hot seasons in Australia outdoor exercise is ideal too. There were so many options and possibilities to branch out into new areas.
Finding my guidance in Sedona, Arizona.
Fast forward to April 2016.
My answer was unfolding nicely as to which avenue of yoga or movement teaching I was being drawn down. It took four more months of marinating ideas until I was sure. Then I jumped very quickly!
Whilst setting my intentions under the April New Moon I had decided Yin Yoga was my next journey. With all manifesting and idea creation I kept my thoughts to myself until I had something set in concrete. It’s far to easy to start radio broadcasting your next move too early and get thrown off by others who don’t share your enthusiasm.
There were a few select people I shared my thoughts with, as my next step of taking action to make it happen needed some assistance. Finding the right course and teachers for me was important. I sought out advice from those who I trusted and had gone through similar training themselves.
Now here is the key point to any manifesting or desire creation. You need to take action to get things moving and happening. Just sitting back and waiting won’t work. Action can be as simple as a Google search. For example I searched for Yin Yoga Teacher training events with some teachers I had heard of. Talking to other yoga teachers and reading discussions in yoga forums also open up leads. This is taking action. Nothing will present if you aren’t actively looking.
The impulsive entrepreneur in me showed up as always. There were options to train in my home city as well as in other states in Australia. However I had waited so long already and knew I had found my right fit I was being drawn to train a.s.a.p. Waiting another six months just didn’t sit right.
During a conversation with a fellow yoga friend I found exactly what I was looking for. A 100-hour Yin Yoga training in Fiji for two weeks facilitated by well respected teachers (Jennifer and David). The broad curriculum covered everything I was interested in including anatomy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and sequencing classes.
Back to the present day, October 2016. Yin yoga teacher training ticked all my boxes and more. The depth of knowledge I gained on so many levels is incredible. It was a small, well-managed, intimate training I am so grateful to have experienced with such a lovely group of people. Fiji was the perfect setting and the locals were beyond divine. Bula!
Yin Yoga TT, Fiji August 2016
Under the Full Moon energy last weekend I was teaching Yin to thirty open hearted students. I sent out so much gratitude and appreciation for being there. Reflecting on how far I’ve come in such a short time is incredible. This is definitely something to celebrate. It has taken me exactly six months from planting the idea seed to manifesting my dream of teaching yin.
Wow this manifesting stuff really works. This is proof. Okay it might have taken longer or even shorter to make this dream a reality but it is REAL now. That is all that’s counts.
Dreams into reality, teaching Yin Yoga
Every day more doors and side roads are opening up from this initial path. I love where I am being taken. Just like the Z’s told me there will be so much to learn and it will all add to my tool kit for life. There are no wrong turns (for any of us). I’m very happy I took the leap.
Over to you…
What have you achieved over the past six months? Even the smallest steps can make a big difference in the grand scheme of things. Any step closer to your dreams is always something to give thanks for. Feel free to share your thoughts or achievements in the comments below, I always love to hear from you all.
With love,