Posts Tagged ‘healing’

Oracle Cards – My Three-Card Spread

It’s a Saturday morning as I write this. I awoke earlier than my planned alarm feeling rested, at peace & ready for a two full days of self-love activities. It amazes me that my body knows just what it needs and isn’t afraid to tell me. I went to bed with the intention of getting a full nights sleep & I got just that.

Getting up earlier than I thought meant I can take my time with my morning routine. I did a full twenty minutes of oil pulling, lit my candles and now I’m drinking my favourite tea. Sitting with the heater on full blast is lovely because no one else is around to complain, “it’s too hot.” I’ve had a few minutes on social media to say ‘hi.’ Lastly I reviewed my week, checked back in my journal & given thanks to the universe for helping me become who I am today. Setting my day up the right way.

Now I’m in a happy space, content, warm and focused. It’s time to pull a three-card spread from my Angel Therapy cards. I introduced you briefly to oracle cards in this post. Today I felt like a good scry 😉 When you work knowingly with the universe it’s amazing how well things flow.  It just makes sense. My cards today are evidence of that. A huge smile spread my face as my question was answered.

A three-card spread works like this. You set your intent, I ask a question out load or in my head. Whilst I think of this question I shuffle the cards. I then get a knowing or I’m told to ‘stop.’ I then pull the top three cards from the pack. The first card you pull goes face up on the left. This is related to your immediate past of the question you asked. The middle card is the present, what you need to know right now. The final card goes to the right. This is the immediate future if you follow the guidance of the middle card on your currant path.

Here’s what I pulled today:

Seren 3 Card Spread

Left: Fairies – You have a strong bond with the fairies, and you life purpose involves helping Mother Nature.

Middle: Heart Chakra – The answer you seek is in your heart right now. Be open to giving and receiving love.

Right: Listen to Your Intuitive Feelings – Your body is receiving accurate messages from the divine.

This selection really resonated with the question I asked. Everything I have learned over the past year on my spiritual journey has taught me to ‘follow my heart.’ Gut instincts are more powerful than we realise. It’s a process, it takes time to shuffle through and get rid of the crap that holds you back. Crap which is usually fear based. The beauty is I will never stop learning, the crap will keep coming up but hopefully over time I will sift through it quicker.

Only the previous day I had a session with my mentor. My cards today fitted in so perfectly with what we went through. The most poignant advice being “Don’t assume you are immediately wrong.” If someone challenges me great but I shouldn’t give into the resistance of self-doubt and instantly think I am wrong. There is no wrong. Everyone is right in his or her own way. The middle and right cards cements this for me. If I follow my heart, trust and listen to my intuitive feelings I’m doing the right thing for me. Just as if anyone follows their own heart it is right for them.

We all receive divine messages. Whether we realise it or understand them is another matter. The explanation from the guidebook for the third card says this, “most of these messages come through in your physical and emotional senses, as your body is extremely sensitive to subtle energies. Sometimes you may not understand your feelings, yet they have accurate, underlying wisdom.”  Doreen Virtue – Angle Therapy Oracle Cards 2006.

The lifestyle I have adopted over the past nine months has really helped me be in tune with my physical body and my intuition. Practicing everyday and tuning into the invisible has helped accelerate my understanding. I can tell when a message is for me or whether it is related to my clients. There is a difference with how I ‘feel’ or ‘hear’ these messages. Trusting in these messages is HUGE part. Once you let go of any ego driven thought and just go with it, the answers speak for themselves. I’m learning everyday & I’m always so hungry for new knowledge I thrive from this.

Onwards and upwards I go. I am living the best possible life for ‘me’ right now. This is what I shall honour and give daily gratitude for. It is hard to keep out of the drama of everyday life. Through my healing work I’m discerning when it is appropriate to get involved and when I should just keep quiet. It’s getting easier, slowly.

My mantra: Discernment, discernment and discernment.

Oracle Card from True Shining Self

Leading up to last weekends Super Full moon and the birth of a new family of eclipses the energy was highly charged. Those sensitive to planetary activity were having quite the roller coaster ride. Even if you didn’t know you are sensitive you probably felt something a little different going on.

For me I was buzzing with ideas and actioning them on a creative level. On the down side I was very tired and my whole body hurt. Think flu symptoms without the flu. I dragged myself through two challenging Bikram yoga classes where I struggled and strained in an attempt to release what ever was in there causing these physical manifestations. Friday the 24th May rolled round & I was done. I just wanted to curl up on a cosy bed to relax and absorb the power that the universe was sending me.

Recently I found a wonderful blog & FB page from an intuitive healer & passionate Angelic channel Amy. True Shining Self is a realm of love & passionate oozing with authenticity. On Amy’s FB page on Friday she posted this status:

*Oracle Card* – especially for you

Happy Friday everyone! I’m free for the next 15 mins. Say ‘YES’ in the comments below if you would like me to pull an oracle card for you.
(In case you’re not familiar with Oracle Cards, they act as messengers – they relay what you need to know about a situation or give guidance in moving forward)

I was all over this one. I love a good scry with the cards. I have a few boxes myself but it’s always nice for someone else to draw one for you. The cards Amy used are Doreen Virtue’s Magical Messages from the Fairies oracle cards.

Here is what I got:

Your card is ‘Dietary Change’ – your metabolism is extremely sensitive, your guides have been giving you messages and this card is a validation that you have been hearing them correctly. As you improve your diet, so do you heal other areas of your life.

Cards are very subjective & if you don’t believe in their power that is just fine. I do & this one hit the spot. I have been a bit slack the past three weeks when I should be upping my game and keeping on top of my diet. With the planetary activity being high and I was being called to action I should have been fuelling myself better.

My metabolism has been crazy busy of late. Everything I’ve eaten has been burnt up in a flash. (Lucky me but not when you need some heaviness to keep your feet on the ground) I needed some good plant based nutrition and lots of warming grounding foods these past few weeks. I did the latter no problem but the former I had slacked off. Since the weather has turned chilly I’ve not been craving my green smoothies in the morning. Instead I had toasted homemade banana bread. What I should have done was make hot, thick, wholesome soup. But I didn’t. My body really took a hammering without it’s hit of liquid veg. I haven’t been taking my whole food supplements either. A whole week has passed since I finished a bottle & just hadn’t remembered to pull out & start a new one.

Hence the flagging energy I felt after bursts of creativity. I wasn’t nourishing myself enough to keep going. My guides sure have been telling me to get my act together. I’ve even passed messages onto others about food this cycle. Yet I cruised along in a rut not addressing the issue I needed too. Time to get my veg on! Lot’s of warming soups, curries, brown rice risotto & quinoa bakes. I have pumpkins & sweet potato a plenty in my garden all ready for a big coconut oil roast up.

Side note: I just took a break from writing to make a green smoothie & boy does it taste good. When you follow your Soul’s advise nothing but good comes from it!

Thank you Amy for a giving me the card I needed to take action on. It’s wonderful to be in tune with you guides but if you don’t act on their advice immediately you end up breaking down which is just what you wanted to avoid by asking for guidance in the first place.

Love Seren xx

Seren Oracle card Soup

Image Credit:


This post has been brewing for a few weeks now. Today is the day I am sitting down to write it. As I cranked up Word the Davie Bowie song ‘Changes’ popped into my head. Love these messages from the universe. Instantly I hit up You Tube and had a listen before I got started.

May has been a massive month for me. Changes are for sure happening on all levels. I’ve had massive clear out’s & clean up’s in my physical spaces. I had a pull to get everything in order that I have been putting off. Huge pushes from the universe have guided me to really get my act together and pave the way for new beginnings to start. Action is needed right now, no more procrastinating.

The theme of the month has been centered on self-worth. Number one I had to actually recognise my self-worth & embrace my natural talents. I’ve been cruising along on autopilot in my day job. I’ve been feeling a lack of fulfillment & a twinge of boredom. I questioned whether I was in the right place for the person I am today. Did I need a new challenge? Was it time to go looking for a new opportunity? I am too comfortable I need to be uncomfortable.

My push came when a new opportunity did arise but I needed to get all my work together from the past three years in order to seize it. Once I did this and took a long hard look at what I’d achieved in this time I was astounded. I’ve done some great work. There was even too much to choose from, which should I select? It made me really value what I have here & own my self-worth. Yes we’re in a slow period right now. Down time gives me the chance to do some of my own work, my true Soul based projects. Instead of getting ‘bored’ & ‘frustrated’ I simply need to search else where for a challenge.

Nothing came of this opportunity in terms of the predicted end result. I did get the result ‘I’ needed. It was ‘process’ I had to go through to learn my lesson. The beauty of working with the universe is you never can predict what the end result will be, often there is no end result it is the process that counts.

My car was well over due a service by nearly a year. I’d asked my guides when I should get this done & I got a firm ‘Thursday’ back so as instructed I booked it in.

Good job I listened as I needed new rear breaks and a lot of other work which could have been spread out over two services. As I’d waited so long to get it looked at, it all needed doing at once, massive expense. My car is vital to my every day life & I should keep on top of its up keep. I won’t wait as long next time as more importantly for safeties sake.

At home I’ve felt a push to get my healing room sorted out. The room I dedicated to a treatment space had multi functions. This month I felt the need to make it simply a single purpose area. I’m nearly at the stage to start marketing my Reiki work to a wider audience therefore I need to have a professional setting to conduct sessions.

I cleared out the random bits and pieces that had accumulated in the room because they had no-where else to live. Most of this went in the recycling or in the bin, as it was just accumulated crap. I hung my certificates and some new artwork on the walls. A successful trip to Ikea for soft furnishings, a rug, curtains, a throw, coasters, a water jug and glasses finished it off. Since I made the decision to leave my table out all the time my bookings have been non-stop. I have clients scheduled every weekend now. All I needed to do was make the space & literally “build it & they will come,” they sure did!

My confidence and again self-worth has accelerated with regular hands on practice. This period between powerful eclipses has really helped me to get on track with how I should be using my natural talents. I’ve found when I’m using my talents to assist others it never feels like I’m working. Leading with love is effortless & so rewarding.

Everything I have put into motion during May will come into full bloom in around November. It will be again an unknown, exciting action packed period as I step into my power, own my own worth & see where it takes me.

What changes have you gone through this month? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Love Seren xx

Seren Changes

Energy Vampires

This post has nothing to do with brooding teenagers and their undead pointy-toothed ‘vegetarian’ lovers. No blood will be sucked either, just energy!

I started using the term “Energy Vampire” after it came into my awareness that some people I know literally suck the life out of me. Bleed me dry of energy. They leave me feeling exhausted, depleted and hung over even though no alcohol had been consumed. I’d wake up the morning after feeling like I’d been run over by a truck. Ever had that feeling after a meet up with certain friends? I’m sure we all have them in our circle.

Please don’t get me wrong I use the term Energy Vampire with the kindest of endearment. My energy hungry friends are lovely that is why they are my friends. It is natural for me to attract people who need rescuing. I like rescuing people and looking after them. Get them out of the holes there’re in and back on track. It’s part of who I am. I’m here to help, to heal & to give. I am happy too but now on my terms.

On my current path of cleaner living I’ve found my intuition has been enhanced, my non-physical senses are sharper and my light is brighter. Before I became aware of this amazing knock on effect I’d created I’d get sucked into other people’s chaos and in turn come away just as depleted as them. My Energy Vampires always have something wrong with them, you might have a cold but this friend has flu, a sore throat and pneumonia! Get the idea? There’s always a drama going on bigger & better than anyone else’s. That’s cool, that’s life. They need to down load, get advise and reassurance that everything will be ok. They want to talk, a lot, without coming up for air or letting anyone else have a breath. My mistake used to be I’d give them that reassurance & support by personalizing. That’s how my energy was lost.

We’ve all done it. If someone is telling a story and looking for some advice the easiest thing to do is say ‘yes me too, that happened to me!’ Instantly you feel like you’re supporting them as you’ve been through the same thing. You feel you can give honest advice because you have felt their pain yourself. There it is. The moment you personalize you do feel their pain, you take it right off them and into you. That’s why you feel so hungover the next day as you are now carrying that friends pain yourself.

Energy transfers happen that easily. As soon as you say ‘me too’ an invisible cord (an etheric cord) with a big fat fishing hook on the end shoots out of your friend and attaches right inside of you. Hooks in. Just like an electric cable this cord allows your friend to suck your precious energy from you, filling up their tank with you kind, loving and happy energy. It’s a two way street of course, when we give we also receive. In this situation the giver gets a bum deal as you receive back their pain and misery. These cords stay attached too, they can tap in at anytime even when you’re not together, especially when they are thinking about you and vise versa.

How do you stop these cords from getting attached & your energy sucked? Simple. Listen and do not personlise. You can give a lot of support without even saying a word by listening. If they ask you ‘what do you think?’ turn it back around to them, ‘what do you think you should do?’ Get them to try and figure it out for themselves. Yes they have come to you for advice the best advice you can give is to get them to figure it out for themselves. They will feel so liberated knowing they had the power to sort themselves out rather than just be told what to do by you. We are all different anyway, what you might work for you might not work some someone else. We all have this power of knowing inside of us we just need to access it & trust it. It’s so easy to be influenced by other people’s thoughts and actions. This is not being authentic to our true selves.

Really start to notice how you feel when you stop personalizing. Do you feel lighter? Less oppressed? It takes practice; it is hard I fall off the wagon too from time to time. The words ‘me too’ fly out too very at times. It doesn’t have to. If you are listening, being still within yourself it becomes easy to stay neutral. No cords will attach, no social hangovers will occur. If you feel a cord has attached, cut it. Imagine a big pair of scissors and snip it away. Send it into the universe to be taken care of.

Give it a go this week. You will be a much stronger, supportive friend and keep hold of your precious energy. Lead from your heart and send out loving, supporting thoughts to your friends and everyone will reap the rewards.

Love & light,

Seren xx

Seren Energy Vampires







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