It’s not often I get all smooshy and sentimental but today I am. Living on the other side of the world to my entire family & the close knit friends I grew up with it is days like this I like to give gratitude to those physically close to me. Today I give thanks to my partner.
He is the main reason why I decided to stay in Australia & leave my loved one’s behind in the UK. I’m not a huge believer in Soul Mates or Twin Flames. I feel that relationship is ‘within’ us already. We need to be our own Soul Mate first and then we can fully welcome another into our energy field. Maybe I’m just saying that because I’m a ‘smug married’ as Bridget Jones would say. We’re actually not the married part, as I’m super comfortable being a de facto. Also I feel if you do meet that one person who completes your jigsaw you never question ‘are they my Soul Mate’ as you just know, no need to question.
Today we are celebrating my partner’s birthday. He’s taken the day off so we can spend time together & he can do what he loves to do, dig in his garden surrounded by his feather kids. (The chooks)
Looking back over the seven years together we’ve been through a lot. Like all relationships there are ups and down’s. Lot’s of happy times & travel adventures have been had. He’s been super supportive of my life choices, which I’m truly grateful for.
He didn’t mind the times I disappeared for a month at a time for work or overseas to visit my family. Then I left for the States for ten weeks to qualify as a yoga teacher. That lead me to working random hours & sometimes we used to go a few days without actually seeing each other to talk too. It’s the way we roll & it works. Giving each other the space to follow our passions.
Now in my new venture he’s just as supportive. From day one he was a willing volunteer for my healing practice. I do feel bad as he now misses out on sessions to make room for my other clients. This is something that needs to be changed. Today he will receive his much over due session.
There is always a worry that when one partner discovers their ‘spiritual journey’ they may no longer be aligned with those around them. From experience I have lost friends through this process. It does happen & it is normal. I have been careful not to force or push too hard my new way of thinking on my partner. It’s awesome he’s happily followed along on his own accord. Just being in someones presence can be influential. He’s taken an interest in crystals, had his spirit guide drawn & received a past life healing. Reading up on metaphysics and meditation is now a new area he’s venturing into.
My gift to him this year is very different from previous years. I have given him a hand made Reiki infused Mala bracelet of Agate, Onyx & Amber. I also had my Mentor record him his very own Personal Journey MP3. These gifts reflect how much we have grown together & have respect for each other’s lives. I appreciate the love & support he has given me. Happy birthday gorgeous.
Love K xx