Posts Tagged ‘guilt’

Food Cravings – my experience

Hands up who finds it hard once the thought of a delicious food treat pops into your mind to let it go? Does it keeps bugging you until give in & eat it? Most of the time after you’ve indulged the guilt kicks in. I’ve been there too the sugar rush high from a chocolate bar is usually short lived once I remember the empty calories I’ve just consumed. Welcome to the world of food cravings.

If you didn’t already know food cravings are linked to our emotions. It’s in our culture to use food as part of celebration rituals, rewards & something to base a social gathering around. Isn’t it wonderful to use food as a centre point for happy times?

What is not so wonderful is when we try to fill an ‘unhappy’ void with food. Remembering those happy food filled times & thinking food will fix it. In reality it was probably the social interactions & the positive energy exchange between the people that created the ‘happy times.’ The food was just an accessory.

From an energetic point of view to stay clean, clear & centred you need to be fueling your body with clean high vibration food. These are foods that come straight from the earth as nature intended, not packaged in a supermarket. Once I became more aware of how food effects my vibration & cleaned up my diet my food cravings literally disappeared. Why? Because when you are nourished & fulfilled from the inside then you don’t need to fill any voids with crap food.

About a month ago I hadn’t realised that I had fallen into an emotional hole. I was so busy doing what I do I somehow managed to miss some important signs. This is normal you can’t expect yourself to be holier than thou 24/7. Also I hadn’t realised that my spiritual hygiene routine was overdue a change. It wasn’t serving me anymore as I’d literally out grown it (Separate post coming soon). This meant I wasn’t releasing as much dense energy & it was building up inside.

I was going through a huge emotional overhaul in my life. I was right in the middle of working my notice on my day job. Feelings of entrapment and boredom were ripe. Hello food cravings!

First I hit the salty chips. I do buy chips for my partner but I rarely eat them myself. That week I couldn’t get enough, literally ramming them into my mouth as I was cooking a healthful dinner. The following week I turned to ice cream. Again, I never keep it in the house, as I don’t eat it. One weekend I really fancied pancakes with ice cream & strawberries so bought a litre. It never even saw the pancakes! Even my partner commented with disbelief I was eating ice cream.

By the end of that week the alarm bells finally sung out. I opened Doreen Virtues book Constant Craving & if by magic it opened on the ‘crunchy salty food craving’ chapter.

Doreen (who has a Ph.D. degree in counselling psychology) explains when you crave crunchy food, especially salty crunchy food it translates into suppressed anger. You literally need to get that anger out by crunching on something. What do you do when you’re angry? Clench your jaw right? It’s the same reaction, forceful strong biting with the molars.

It made sense to me. I was angry. I’d given five weeks notice on my job & it was too much. I wanted to be done so I could get on with my own work that I was passionate about. The anger was bubbling up over the mind numbing jobs I had to do. Frustration central.

What about the ice cream? Craving dairy products is a sign of depression. Super! First I was angry then depressed (but not to the extent of needing help, just a little down). Again it made sense, anger followed by sadness. Once I consulted Doreen’s book and identified the issue I could take action & deal. It’s not enough to recognise something is wrong and then sit back doing nothing. ‘You’ need to stop it, especially if it’s potentially damaging, before it spirals into something worse. If you are unsure how seek professional advice.

I made sure I was taking more stillness time during the day. Connecting within when I felt the anger or sadness bubble up. During this time I was shown images of the happiness I had in my present life that I should be grateful for. Focusing on the many more positive, happy things I had going on served me better than getting grumpy about the minute things that weren’t. The universe stepped in too like it does & I received some wise words, just two sentences, from my Mentor reminding me also to celebrate how far I had come in my journey. Most importantly she advised me to enjoy my last week in the city job.

Boom! If by magic again the food cravings vanished & I was in control. I’d spent two weeks focusing on the negative hence I was receiving just as much negative back. Once I was back on the ‘happy thoughts’ everything became lighter & brighter again. I embraced my final week in the corporate world with love.

Next time you get a craving for something you don’t usually eat. Check in with your emotions through stillness or meditation. See if there is something you have suppressed that is now showing up in a food craving.

Love K xx

p.s. Please seek professional medical advice if you have any strong feelings or symptoms that are physically effecting your health or daily life. This post is my personal experience of a very mild energetic block that I treated myself as a qualified holistic practitioner.


Time to let go & move on

Good morning readers. I hope you are all keeping well in your worlds? We are flying through 2013 aren’t we, it’s July already, how did that happen? I felt like June was a bit of a breather between May’s big energies and now July’s. If you feel like you have been loosing the plot or the people around have been a bit crazy town, don’t worry you are not alone.

The current Mercury Retrograde that commenced on June 26th has been strong. For me it has given me the push I needed to step up to my own responsibilities. No more making excuses or passing blame. If something is not aligned with me any longer to who I am today then I need to deal with it. I did deal with it for sure!

This period in the planetary movements allows us to see the ‘real core’ in people/situations that goes deeper than surface appearances. Relationships have been under great scrutiny. Masks have been removed as people reveal their truth.

Just seven days ago my heart was filled with joy when this happened. An old hurt came back to be healed. The person involved presented herself to me in such a raw, beautiful light I literally melted. The mask she had been hiding behind (one I wasn’t gelling with) was gone. What was left was awesome. I thought ‘this is the person I fell in love with many years ago & I’m thrilled she is back.’ My friend spoke openly on how she has been renovating her life, facing her flaws and she physically glowed telling me what she was doing to get back on track. I listened and gave such huge gratitude that she was able to share this openly. Ahhhh happy sigh.

Let’s move onto the more gritty, dark & turbulent story. I decided to start with the happy one first. Within my life there are things and sadly people who are no longer serving me. I tend to cling to the past too much. Take a wardrobe for example. Who has ratty old singlets or t-shirts they just can’t throw out? You love them because they are safe, comfortable and reliable. They are fine for layering or wearing round the house to do the cleaning in. In fact they are worn out. They are full of holes, stained, stinky, faded and don’t fit well anymore. It’s time to retire them to make room for some new shining ones that will serve you better.

I thought up this analogy to bring some sense to a current situation. Okay it’s a bit weird to compare a friend to a ratty singlet but I am. It’s human nature that people in our lives come and go. We literally grow apart from people. We change, we move, we expand and excel. This is all done at different rates, on different time scales. Some friends can’t keep up with us. We ourselves may fall behind our friends. When this happens we no longer resonate with each other. We literally do not make sense of where each other is coming from. You meet each other with blank stares.

This is okay. It’s okay to not be okay with someone you feel is not a good fit for you anymore. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It will make you a better person for being true to your own Soul. The biggest challenge is too face up to this realization and be responsible for it. That is just what I did.

I’ll try not to get too personal on this subject I’ll keep it brief. I had a friend who no longer lifted me to the dizzy heights she used to, sad but true. We had been growing apart for a while and I didn’t want to face the fact so carried on as usual hoping we were just going through a ‘rough patch.’  Finally I needed to face facts. With the help from the universe I decided to speak my truth from the purest intent as I thought it might help us through this rough patch. Let’s say it didn’t get the reaction I had intended. The rough patch was the stepping-stone to a full on break up.

We are not responsible for other people’s reactions to our actions. What ever gets thrown back at us ‘is what it is.’ The reaction is what that person needed to do. The words we gave to get that reaction are ours to own even if they are not welcomed. Yes your words may cause a person to feel anger, hurt and betrayal. Those feelings are theirs, they created them inside of their own being. You didn’t.

I would never intentionally hurt some one. I got a shock with the reaction I received, as I mentioned earlier I spoke with pure intentions. I ended up hurting myself more with my reaction to their reaction. I retracted my truth and tried to apologise for what I’d said because I am a compassionate person. The self doubt came in & I started questioning my intent (head reaction). Then I stopped. I should not have to apologise for who I am & speaking my truth. I should have stood by my words, owned them 100%. All the doubt I felt then vanished.

Now I’m living a fully integrated life of head & heart connection daily what comes through for me is no longer ego lead. It’s hard for others to understand this. That is okay. As long as I know my intention is pure & stand by it all is well.

I realise now I needed this situation to happen, it was meant to, I got the right reaction. It was time to say goodbye. My Soul guided words had more meaning than my human brain could process. My Soul wanted me to face the fact I could no longer have this person in my life. It was hard. I went through the entire range of post break up emotions that were entirely my responsibility. Looking back this isn’t the first time this has happened to me, it won’t be the last either. But I am at peace with that.

Time for the happy ending! Now I am no longer wasting time and energy on relationships that no longer serve me I can see what relationships I need to be focusing on. Slowing myself down and having a good look around I have actually made some new friends recently. Friends who I have attracted by being the person I am right now. Therefore they are fully aligned with who I am today. I give great thanks for this and gratitude for the above situation for making room for the right people to enter my life. I can’t put new clothes in my wardrobe if its jam packed full of old outdated items can I? I’m learning life is about quality not quantity so I won’t be in a rush to fill my spaces too quickly.

My personal Mantra: “Own what I say & the doubt will go away.” 

Love Seren xx



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