Today’s short vlog is a behind the scenes look into how I create the Mantra’s & Quotes I post on my Seren Holistic Lifestyles FB page. Enjoy xx
Today’s short vlog is a behind the scenes look into how I create the Mantra’s & Quotes I post on my Seren Holistic Lifestyles FB page. Enjoy xx
How have you all been travelling over the past week?
It’s been an interesting time to observe the upward swing of energetics we have been experiencing. A fare number of us have been feeling the changes physically by coming down with flues or head colds. Clearing out the psychical as we are called to slow down the pace to integrate the new vibrational upgrades we’ve been receiving. I was hit up quickly with head cold/seasonal allergies after hosting & attending quite a few metaphysical events in a short period of time. Now coming through the other side of the illness I’m feeling more aware, connected & on task.
It’s time to get productive people!
My shift happened right on cue with the First Quarter Moon (Saturday 14th May) the physical symptoms I was experiencing lessened as the energy starting to build up this cycle. The weekend brought a wave of deeply supportive & highly creative vibes. Whilst meditating on Sunday (with an awesome new recording from Lee Harris – Activate Your Heart) so many fresh new ideas came rushing forward. It took a great deal of self-control not to leap off my healing table (& send all my crystals flying) to take down notes. I just had to fully trust I’d remember what I needed.
That I did! Filling two pages of my journal full of inspired guidance to work with both personally & professionally. It felt like waking up after a really good sleep. I put these ideas to bed so they could sit & build strength during the Gibbous Moon (A Yin phase) on Wednesday 18th. This puts power into the manifestation process, keeping things sacred so they can settle.
Sunday’s Blue Full Moon in Sagittarius is feeling extra strong as it should being the second full moon in a calendar month (hence blue). There is a positive, focused vibe the Moon is bringing in. Doubt is slipping away & a ‘can do’ attitude is stepping forward. We are seeing the change in everyone around like a bright new light. This is because we are shining brightly & this light is being reflected back to us. As above, as below – our outer world is a mirror of our inner world. When we shine the world shines back.
I’ve seen some awesome expansion in the people I’ve come in contact with recently, many taking responsibility for their lives & stepping into action. Leaving behind the victim mentality & just getting on with it because now they feel they can. Me included, where there would have been doubt in what I was being asked to do I’m just doing it & reaping great success. (Thank you Universe!) Being a leader in your own life is HUGE! (I highly recommend giving it a try.)
It’s a double whammy weekend with Mercury going direct on Sunday too. After the clear out this month your focus can get direct, just as Mercury goes direct. Reflect back to the lessons you have learned or challenges you over came & feel empowered from the experience.
Everything is so much lighter after the sludge we waded through at the end of 2015. We have reached the fresh water. Our strength is back & now is the time to use it.
Get tapping into your passions & reconnecting with your heart as to what makes you buzz. Even if no new inspiration is coming through for you revisit any previous desires you had that may have fallen on the wayside. It’s feeling like the right time to pick up what you filed away for later. Open up the filing cabinet & have a rummage, you never know what you may find which has been forgotten about. Time to set your desires into motion on the back of this brilliant energetic tune up weekend.
The Moon goes Full on Sunday at 5:16am (WA time) or Saturday at 10:16pm if you are in the UK. Get your crystals out Friday, Saturday & Sunday for a good blast of clearing Moon vibes magic. Remember it’s in the intention so even if you put your crystals on a window sill or under the porch they still will get cleansed as long as your wish them too.
Go outside yourself on Saturday night for a Moon bath or get up super early on Sunday. Breathe in the positivity, strength & assertiveness the Blue Moon is offering us.
Enjoy & with love,
The second Super New Moon for 2016 is here! (About 6:25pm Perth, WA time tonight)
How have you been traveling through the last lunar cycle?
Life is definitely far from dull I’m finding. The biggest challenge I’ve been facing is staying grounded. It’s been super easy to stay in my bubble, check out & literally float off. Yeah it’s awesome to be bouncing around in the invisible realms but in order to integrate what I am rediscovering & learning requires a ton of grounding back into my body.
If only shoes were made of hematite! Instead I’ve been wearing hematite bracelets around my ankles & making sure I get out in the garden to lock in my roots each day. I’ve been using some strong blends of essentials oils (Frankincense, White Fir, Arborvitae & Clary Sage) to keep my feet on the ground & all my bodies connected. Blending these with a carrier oil to rub on my feet as well as putting them in the diffuser has really assisted me get grounded.
Essential Oils for staying grounded.
This months Super New Moon is yet again a fresh new opportunity to turn up the volume on your life. Get focused, be in your power centre, move away from the negative Nellies & hone in on the positive messages you can bring to the world by being the BEST version of yourself. Do it for you & the effect will wash out to those who need some inspiring themselves.
Today I’m sharing with you a brand new live recorded voice Channel. I’m still working on the quality of these sessions so I’d suggest listening through ear phones as the recording is fairly quiet. The guidance I channel comes from my Galactic Guides whom I connect with.
Slowly I am getting into the swing of recording live channel sessions. The only way I will l build my confidence is to keep going!
Interesting when I listened back myself I found that towards the end another channel had started to come through but then it stops. Apologies if the last five minutes make no sense. I feel my guides were starting on a new message but then human Kat kicked in & I lost the connection. All part of the learning curve! Next step is figuring out how to edit these nicely 😉
Enjoy & I hope there is some nuggets of knowledge that ignite a flame today.
Much love,
{ORACLE CARDS} Are you in need of some extra guidance? Today I’m working with the beautiful Flower Therapy Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue & Robert Reeves (Hay House 2013). These cards have some empowering messages to share with us all.
Focus on the cards in the image below.
Which card are you instantly drawn too first? Try not to second guess it, follow your heart.
Scroll down the page & watch the video clip for your card with my intuited guidance. This is your message for today & over the next few days. Feel free to share any thoughts or feelings that come up for you in the comments below.
Card A Video Reading:
Card B Video Reading:
Card C Video Reading:
Here’s the three cards turned over for a closer look at the images… feel into what these bring up for you using your intuition.
I hope you enjoyed your reading today & received the clarity you desired.
There is still time to enter my Birthday Prize Giveaway for a chance to receive a personal Channeled Guidance & Reiki Distance Healing session from me for FREE! Click here to enter.
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