It’s a wrap! Not quite on the year yet as we still have over five months to go, yet I am really feeling the ‘completion energy’ building power now. It’s time to finish everything up before a new cycle begins. Loose ends call to be tied, if we desire to travel lighter into next year.
Who has felt reflective with the slower pace of July?
Last week I touched upon this quiet period. Within the silence our Soul’s can speak. Messages & guidance have been clear & direct. Reflection has been a major part of my daily practice this month. Some really old memories have arisen along side a few fresher one’s that I know require my attention sooner rather than later. I have been shown the loops that require closing once & for all. There will be no room to carry them forward any further.
Space for reflection & healing
Looking back on the past is a good sign that you are ready to move forward. Acknowledging what has been & where you are now is important for transformation. Revisiting past situations is healing on many levels. They will always present when you are ready to deal with them. (Even if you don’t think you are ready, the Universe trusts you’ve got this.) Instead of ignoring what is coming up face it head on. Then you can let go & be free.
Releasing the old makes way for the new. You need to empty the bin once it’s full or else you can’t fit anymore in right. Old waste piles up getting stinky & stagnant. When the energy in our body gets stale that is when dis-eases show up. Clear it out!
We start a new cycle in numerology for 2017 – a Year One, new beginnings. Who wishes to move forward with a clean slate, healed wounds & an empty bag? (You can then fill your bag up with shiny new empowered energy!)
Big bold moves are on the horizon. Tomorrow’s Full Moon (20th July at 7am WA time) is pushing us to get on task. No more lingering or procrastinating. Let go of fear, hand it over to the moon in a sacred ceremony. Gift yourself FREEDOM.
Holding on to the past just eats you away; it keeps you small & in limbo. You have the strength within to finally move on from this. It’s time to close business. This message is loud & clear we need to finish what we started. Like NOW!
Once you have said goodbye to the old fling open the double doors to the new shouting “I am ready, let’s do this!”
Now onto the next step…
To make the magic happen & reach your fullest potential you have follow all this through by taking responsibility. Nothing is ever handed over on a plate. No growth happens that way. You have to work at it. Yes there will be external support & assistance along the way but you need to be leading. Value your self-worth, charge up your Solar Plexus & open your heart to guide you, as these are the best tools you have.

I’ve written many times about manifesting & how just sitting ‘waiting’ for the goods to roll in doesn’t work.
“Okay universe this is what my heart truly desires {insert list of things here} now I’ll just kick back until you deliver.”
This is the wrong way to go about it. Remember you can’t win the lotto unless you get off your butt & go buy a ticket. Words are empty by themselves. Walk your talk not just talk.
Action is required. You have to do something to set the ball in motion. Use your discernment as well. Many opportunities or leads will present once you get started. Make considered choices instead of just leaping all over the first thing that comes up out of excitement or fear. Ask yourself is it really a good fit for you?
What opportunities can you make for yourself that will lay foundations for the next six months?
Get brainstorming under the light of the Full Moon. Use the yang energy over the next few days to help move you forward. Let go of what is holding or back & is not productive in your life. Follow up by welcoming in all the awesome, new adventures that are awaiting you with gratitude.
Crystal Cleasning
It’s the perfect time tonight to put your crystals out for cleansing. If you can leave them out for the morning too so they can bask & recharge under the moon. Then put them out again on Wednesday night too. Remember they don’t need to be in direct moonlight it’s all in the intention. Balcony’s, porches & windowsills work just as well.

Enjoy! Feel free to start the conversation with any thoughts you’d’ like to share in the comments below.
With love,