There’s a nice tingle in the air leading us into the weekend can you feel it? The Southern Hemisphere is warming up into Spring now and as ever the warmer weather has lifted the spirits.
This Sunday the 16th October is Super Full Moon in Aries at 12:25pm (WA time). The reason why the moon is super this month is it will be at it’s closest point to the earth. Therefore it will look bigger than usual. We are so lucky to have three Super Full Moon’s to finish off 2016; every Full Moon now till December is Super!
October’s Full Moon falls in the zodiac of Aries (the equal and opposite sign to the Libra cycle we are in). I resonate strongly with the Ram energy as my Sun is in Aries in the 11th house. (Our sun sign forms the core values of our characters.) With Mars as Aries ruler combined with the element of fire this sign packs a punch. Just like the ram – it’s all about charging forward and go getting. We are all being invited to draw from this energy to stoke our determination and put some force behind our actions.
How can you positively use this Super Full Moon energy to your best advantage?
Take some time over the next few days to carve out what you would like to achieve next and how you can get the ball rolling (i.e. action). Journalling, meditating and vision boarding are excellent ways of getting ideas out of your head so you don’t forget them. (It also frees up space for new ideas too & holds you responsible) Once an idea has been committed to form it’s like a green light for the universe to start weaving it’s assisting magic.
Some of us may still be recovering from September’s massive clear out period and may be feeling the urge to sit down for a breather. Please honour these needs as it’s easy to fall in an ‘end of year heap’ if we aren’t careful. Take regular breaks and make sure you rest when you need too. Drinking lot’s of fresh, filtered water is one of the best ways to keep the energy flowing through you. Also being outside in nature assist in staying grounded. Especially with this fast paced energy pushing us along we can get swept away in the current. Float for a while.
The positive results of September’s overhaul is we have leveled our ground, made space and cleared the decks to start building up from a fresh foundation. Celebration is also a major part in this process. Stand on your new land with gratitude for what has passed and all that has been let go of. Without everything you have gone through you wouldn’t have reached this point. It all has happened for a reason, good or the more challenging.
Waking up with fresh new eyes
More and more people are awakening to living a more conscious life. It is an exciting time to be here and experience. With this new level of consciousness we are no longer comfortable with just settling. Old beliefs are being broken down and things being ‘just how it is’ or ‘what you’re supposed to do’ no longer cuts it. If something doesn’t feel right then don’t do it, even if it was something you would have gone along with in the past. We all evolve and opinions and out looks change. Things do not stay the same forever or else life would be so vanilla or boring.
The Super Full Moon energy is showing us just how multidimensional we can be. If you are being drawn to doing more than one thing at a time follow through. The key as always is balance. We are well supported this month to achieve a healthy equilibrium. Especially if you are looking to change career or jobs having a cross over period to take the pressure of your new venture is a great idea. There is nothing worse than putting all your eggs in one basket as this can put a lot of extra stress on you to make it work. Sometimes we need a push. However if it’s all or nothing it can take the fun and magic away from what we truly love about the project. Remember there are always options, make sure you explore all that is available too you.
Small steps – big impacts
Something else I’m drawn to sharing with you is it doesn’t matter how small your steps are as long as you are stepping. Big steps feel good but small steps allow for breathing space and adjustment. We can keep a solid connection to our hearts direction when we have room around us to grow into.
Manifesting power is very strong under the Full Moon. Often we desire everything as soon as we think of it and we want it NOW! Just be careful what you wish for as it could turn up all at once with too many balls to juggle. Then we can be thrown so head on into action it’s a struggle to keep up. A slow, gentle paced expansion is easier to manage than a quick dramatic change.
Crystal Cleansing
Don’t forget to get your crystal kids out in the moonlight this weekend. Even on a windowsill or balcony will work. They don’t need to be directly in the moons beam to feel the vibration. It’s all in the intention.
Have a fabulous Super Full Moon weekend! Hoping we all get some sleep but you never know do you what’s going to present in that area 😉