Posts Tagged ‘guidance’

Personal Inventory

With just four months left of the year I feel it’s time to take stock, step it up & get things done. I feel the current energy flow is quite frenzied. The end of the year is looming & there is such urgency to ‘get on track’ with things we might have been putting off before. It’s personal inventory time. Take responsibility for our own lives.

A lot have people have woken up (including me) to their spiritual journey over the past few years. Another term I like is ‘remembering.’ After all we are technically already ‘awake.’ We have remembered where we have come from and now we to need to figure out or ‘remember’ why we are here this time round. Finding out life’s purpose is high on the agenda for most.

At the recent Hay House publishing seminar I attended the vibe was much this frenzied high energy. I picked up on quite a ‘frantic & desperate’ vibe amongst the audience members, in a positive way. The search for answers, help & guidance was certainly ripe in the air. I can relate to this very much. At the end of May I was going through just that. I pushing so hard, really desperate to grow, to gain more knowledge without waiting to let what I already had remembered settle. I ‘needed’ to help others so badly (it’s part of why I’m here) I was shoving my knowing on everyone I could. This got me in some trouble when it wasn’t welcomed.

This search for answers was evident around the trade stands at the event. I wasn’t very impressed with the ‘scrum’ I endured to see what was on offer. I dunno maybe I was expecting a little more from a spiritual crowd. If I’d wanted elbowing in the face or books snatched out of my reach I’d have gone to the Harrods sale tee hee.

This is understandable people are seeking help. It’s hard to suddenly realize everything we have been conditioned to think may well not be one size fits all. We need to forge our own paths, our way. We then turn to those ‘in the know’ on the subject with the skills to tune into the invisible. They can help us understand what we are feeling or experiencing so over time we can learn to figure it for ourselves unassisted.

It’s very easy to hand over our power to those in the ‘spiritual spotlight.’ I was advised not long ago that the metaphysical community is rather like Hollywood. Everyone wants a piece and those in the ‘light’ are literally celebrities whether they like it or not. I’m learning the difference between seeking guidance & using other’s as a crutch. Don’t be putting people on pedestals.

It all come’s back to that personal inventory. Only you can sort yourself out. Take the advice and direction from teacher’s & mentors then make it work your way in your life. If you’re a sheep & follow along it doesn’t matter how great an idea it won’t work for you if it’s not come from you. It is tricky, it does take time to make it your own, in your own unique way.

Ask yourself  ‘are happy right now?’ Are you feeling unsettled, unfulfilled & bored? If you are what would you like to change in your life? Make a list of how you would implement these changes in a no holds barred world. Now go & do it! Stop holding back with if’s, but’s & perceived restrictions. The universe is pushing all of us to be in our excellence right now. You’re so well supported it’s ridiculous! Just trust.

I’m doing just that, trusting. I’ve been feeling the push to make a change in my life. It’s time. I know for sure 100% what I should be doing and it’s not what I’m doing. I’ve set the ball in motion, I’ve done my stock take & the resistance is flooding in fast. That is a sure fired signal of reassurance I’m on the right track with my decision on what to do next…

Watch this space! Ha ha I’m such a tease right?!

Love Seren xx

Hay House – I Can Do It 2013

It’s mini break time! I’m so excited to be getting out of the state for a few days of space change. It’s been six months since I had my last weekend interstate so I feel I’m well over due a quick get away. Whilst I’m out & about why not work in some metaphysics fun whilst I’m at it?

Hay House Publishing are hosting the ‘I Can Do It’ seminar in Melbourne this coming weekend. I’m only attending the Sunday event as I would like to spend some time sight seeing around Melbourne and catching up with my East Coast friends. Alas I will be missing Deepak Chopra & Dr Wayne W. Dyer BUT I get to see Doreen Virtue!!!

Doreen is my main drawn card for this event. Two whole hours of Angelic talk & hearing about her new book The Miracles of Archangel Gabriel. I’m a huge fan of Doreen’s books and oracle cards. It’s a good job I’m travelling with hand luggage or else I’d be stocking up on the retail stands. (Hmm oracle cards don’t take up that much room/weight?!)

The other Sunday speakers look very interesting too. Especially Sonia Choquette who will be talking about tuning into your intuition ‘to transcend the strictures of an ego-driven existence and experience the joy and fulfillment of a intuitively-guided, Spirit-driven life’. This resonates greatly with how I live my life now & I’m interested to hear someone else techniques & experience in this area.

Dr Joe Dispenza’s lecture looks fascinating, ‘You are not doomed by your genes and hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of your life.’ I love this, so many people I talk to are all about ‘it’s hereditary, there’s no escaping it coz it’s in my gene makeup.’ I’d like to hear the other side of this that maybe hereditary will become a thing of the past?

All very exciting. To top it off I have a healing session booked in with my mentor too on the way home. Will be great to touch base again in person and finish the weekend off with some self-care.

Enjoy your day everyone!

Love Seren xx

Seren Hay House ticket

Don’t be swayed

It is so easy to be swayed by others people’s opinions. Especially when we are looking for reassurance ourselves in certain situations. Our fear and doubts lead us to seek out advice this is natural human nature. I used to have to justify everything, over thinking and looking to others to make my decisions for me instead of following my heart & gut instincts. This pattern of behavior is hard to break. Slowly, slowly I am getting there.

I’d like to share a real life example with you readers as that is what being authentic is all about. How can I possible write a post on a subject that I haven’t lived myself?

A group of final year university design students contacted my design job work to get a project printed for an assessment. It’s not usually my role to deal with clients directly on a customer service level. My colleague who does was off sick and the job hadn’t been printed as promised. The rest of my colleagues were quite happy to blow them off and said ‘it’s always best not to get involved with those sorts of people.’ I knew what they meant. We get a lot of walk in’s with small one off jobs that end up being more hassle than they are worth. However I took it upon myself to help out the student’s, as I know how hard it is when you’re stressed & getting your final year work together.

I went about the usual pre-press checks taking my time to actually look at the projects the students had created. I was so impressed. The typography books were well thought out & executed. Their use of grids and colour were really effective. Talent ahoy!

Whilst reviewing the files my teacher hat fell into place. There were a couple of pre-press details that had not been addressed. Usually when this happens with supplied artwork I send it back to the customer for them to fix. However the deadline was super tight and by the time I’d sent this back and explained what needed doing I felt they would miss their time slot. It was quicker to fix it up myself.

When the students came in to collect their finished books they were so excited. I remember that exhilaration seeing your designs printed and ‘real.’ With my teacher and mentor hat firmly on my head I decided to explain the pre-press problems that occurred. I totally got that they were still learning and if their course was anything like mine (which was awesome btw) things like pre-press techniques might not be covered. It’s something I found you learn on the job that can lead, as I discovered as a junior designer myself, to all sorts of challenges. Giving these students some free guidance I felt would give them a bit of a head start.

My advice was well received and I got such a buzz out of sharing my design knowledge with them. I enquired about when their degree show was and gave them my business card. My mind was buzzing with ideas. Maybe in the future I could look into donating a few hours of my time to guest lecturing or helping out as a TAFE technician?

I was so happy I wasn’t swayed by what my colleagues had said. For them it was the right decision not to get involved I appreciate that. Deep down I truly wanted to give the students a hand because I had something to offer them. I knew it was the right thing for ‘me’ to do. It felt good to help the students out and they really appreciated it. It’s so hard being at uni, having tight budgets and deadlines and no one wants to give you a break.

A few weeks past then I got an email from one of the students enquiring about a business card printing quote. What she was asking for was super flash and would look awesome but at the cost of a few hundred dollars. Instead of passing it onto the correct channels, I don’t process quotes, I decided to explain the my concern over cost. Of course I go totally carried away and probably wrote in much more detail than necessary.

Again the advice was well received. I mentioned it to my colleagues as I wanted to check up on the actual costs to see if there was anything we could do. I was met with the same reaction “don’t get involved.” My gut was telling me no to this, I didn’t feel obliged to help I ‘wanted’ to help so I did. My Soul was pushing me so strongly to do this it’s part of who I am. I am a teacher, I have many varied skills and I should use my teaching capabilities to pass this knowledge onto those who are asking for help & willing to receive.

I signed off my email by saying if any of them needed some industry advice I am happy to help to the best of my knowledge. I wasn’t giving away free printing or devaluing our service, it is my time to give no one else’s. If something makes me fee warm & fuzzy instead why shouldn’t I follow it through? What else are lunch breaks for hey!

Have you ever been so excited about something but then swayed by other people’s opinions? Please share in the comments below.

Love Seren xx


p.s. This is my 100th post!! *ekkk!*

Dreams can come true

Dreams can come true. My dream is coming true right before my eyes. It’s been developing for a while & now I’m living it everyday. The funny thing is I didn’t realize at first that I was.

I’ve written a few times about my work as a healer. What started out as an interest so I could learn how to heal myself & understand energy has turned into a real life business opportunity. Twelve months ago yesterday when I set out on this journey of self-discovery my brief was “to work in an area I love & get paid for it.” This is now a reality. I love conducting healing sessions and following up with clients when they need to chat off the table. It does not feel like work, it is not a chore or a hassle. This is because healing is my Soul’s purpose in this life. (Whole new post coming on unearthing that discovery!) I’m working from home & getting paid for it. I am my own boss taking full responsibility for everything involved.

Wow I have my own real life business! I still can’t really believe it. I have a brand name, graphic style, ABN and all the trimmings! I was so excited blitzing Officeworks for cash receipt books, an appointment diary, stationery & folders to start out the new tax year officially. I have paperwork too to keep on top of; client registration and record forms. The first time I sent out a PayPal invoice and had it paid was so exciting. I even figured out how to put my logo on there.

I can’t really say there is a magic secret to getting what you truly desire, apart from setting your intention and working really hard to make it happen. It does take time and it can be challenging. I have learned you just have to go out there and make things happen for yourself no one will just hand things over on a plate. It’s no good being jealous of those who ‘have it all’ go out there and get it all for yourself too. It’s YOU who needs to take control of your life. (Side note: I’ve been channeling a lot of Archangel Michael’s energy of late which makes me very blunt & to the point in the most caring, heart felt way of course :-))

One big thing that has stood out in the process of developing my own business is this. Once I surrendered my control to the universe and let things develop organically everything just came together effortlessly. In the past I tended to push too hard at times, always focusing on the end result, forcing the path to fit into my ‘ideal.’ Once I ditched my ‘ideal’ and let things flow naturally I have even more than what I could have dreamed of when I started out. Regular weekly clients, a healing room and my own brand.  Now this is all in place I am slowly coming back to the original idea I had for my brief.

My first burst of inspiration came in around September last year. I thought it would be a great idea to run my own holistic retreats. I’ve been on a few wellness and yoga retreats myself and loved every minute. How nice would it be to facilitate my own? Design a retreat I would like to go on. Back when this idea first sparked I’d planned on hiring other people to give talks, conduct healings, lead yoga & meditation classes.

I made the mistake (or learning curve step) of sharing my idea too quickly. Wanting to get other people involved to bounce ideas off. My own fear of not being qualified or experienced enough to lead a workshop made me turn to other people. The other people were soon squashing my vision, telling me this won’t work or that won’t work blah, blah and blah. I was looking into venue hire because ‘the others’ were telling me it had to be central, near a beach, have parking and a good coffee shop near by. I listened; I took on board what they were saying and then binned the whole thing.

Something deep down didn’t quite fit for me with this idea of bringing ‘others’ in on it. Yes I will need helpers but not people who wanted to take away my control. It was my baby; I wanted to be a full time mother. If this is going to work I need to be leading it 100% to make it authentic to my vision and Soul.

Now many months on I’ve  realised I do have the skills and knowing to make this original idea a reality all by myself. It’s what I love doing most teaching people and sharing what I’ve learned. All in a hope they will find something of interest to improve their own life even just a little bit & then pass it onto their friends. To create a space to share and talk about my passion of energy healing, health and wellbeing is a dream I want to make a reality.

I’ve been really busy brain-storming in my journal. Scribbling ideas and notes of my new retreat/workshop vision. I don’t want to abort it like last time so I’m keeping quiet for now. I will share one thing though. I figured out the venue dilemma. I will be using my own house. I have the perfect setting as I live on a 120-acre rural property. This was right under my nose the whole time but I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. I have some friends and family who are excellent chefs so why not offer a homemade lunch straight out of our veggie patch? I can see it now a group of like-minded people sitting in the shade of one of our many trees, surrounded by nature, animals & light sharing the love of the universe.

Watch this space there are exciting times ahead I feel…

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” ~ Farrah Gray

Love Seren xx

Seren Business bits

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