Posts Tagged ‘growth’

Colour Therapy – Violet

Today I had a totally different post scheduled for you all. One that I was super excited about sharing as well. The Universe had a different plan! I try & live in the moment as much as I can. Not planning too far ahead and letting life unfold naturally, day by day. I’ve not always been like this. I am a reformed control freak. Totally full post on that later.

The Universal curve ball that hit me in the face this morning brought to my attention that I needed to write about todays subject Colour Therapy. I felt totally compelled to reschedule my planned post for next week and get this post written right now. Following my inner guide and intuition.

Colour surrounds us everywhere. There is no escaping it. Without colour we’d live in a very dull, vanilla world. Our senses are ignited when they come into contact with colours. Our body’s energy meridians, the Chakra’s all have corresponding colours. Colour Therapy can be a powerful healing tool. How uplifted do you feel when you slip on a bright red dress to hit the town in? One old roommate often commented on colourful plates of foods and how much more appealing they looked to eat. Isn’t it relaxing staring out onto a clear turquoise sea on a bright, summer day?  Colour healing can take on so many forms, clothes, food, pictures, lights, flowers and the list goes on.

Personally I use a pack of colour therapy cards, specifically these one’s by Inna Segal. You don’t need a special pack of cards at all, you can meditate on the question “what colour do I need today.” The answer will come to you and you can source something of that colour, even an image off Google. Every morning I pull a card for the day and place it on my desk right in front of me. I’ll read the guide book page to the corresponding colour and often do the visualization suggested.

Today I pulled Violet – create a balanced life. (1) The challenge I faced this morning had sent my world into a spin. I have so much going on this week so much planned another bonus challenge could rock the balance I’d already created. Or had I created balance? What blessing is there hidden in this new challenge? My Violet card I feel was delivering quite a few strong messages to me that I needed to address. Time to reassess.

Violet is directly related to the Crown Chakra, right at the top of your head, connected to your higher self. “Violet increases the psychic senses to release karma and regain freedom from past issues.” (2) This fits well for today as a past issue came up and it’s time for that chapter to close for the better. Violet is also very soothing and can eliminate emotions, especially shock, trauma or fear. (3) Which is probably the main reason this colour was presented today. I had a wee shock. (I’m fine though, please don’t worry, my faith in the metaphysical is guiding me soundly to a place I can heal smoothly. I know I am well supported through this)

I feel a need to create balance in my energy today & not get too stressed with everything that is going on & run off in a frenzy without thinking things through. Keep a slow place, take some time outs to be still and breathe and get outside for some nature time. Eat well by nourishing from the inside out with whole foods, lots of fresh vegetables and water. I’ll allow everything to unfold as it should & trust the out come is for the best. I need to keep balanced with my giving & taking as well. Not over give & come out the other side depleted. My Violet card is right here in front of my infused with healing happy vibes.

Love & light,

Seren xx

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
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  1. Segal, I. 2001, The Secret Language of Color Cards Guidebook, page 79.
  2. Segal, I. 2001, The Secret Language of Color Cards Guidebook, page 79.
  3. Egan, S. 2002-2009, The Science of Natural Energies – Colour Therapy. Page 90.

Image Reference:×1000/violet-tulip-99429.html

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