Posts Tagged ‘goodness’

Love Notes

Getting into work at the yoga studio at 5am is a pretty unsociable hour. Especially in winter when it’s freezing cold, raining and foggy. I love my job but sometimes it’s so hard to drag yourself out in such conditions.

Twice this week I’ve arrived at reception to love notes like these from my dear friends and fellow teachers. Instant joy! Blessings to be surrounded by such good people. We are like ships in the night as I work the late or early shifts but doesn’t mean we are any less friendly. These are being pasted into my journal for anytime I need a happy pick me up!

Small tokens of love really can brighten someone’s day. Is there someone in your life you like to leave notes for? Never left a note before? Give it a go today!

Love Seren xx

Seren Love Notes

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