Posts Tagged ‘fund raising’

Hair Donation

I’ve been a bit behind in my social media admin of late. Unless a story is at the top of my newsfeed it will probably go over looked. One story however leapt of the page last week. An old school friend has spent the last two and a half years growing her hair to donate to charity. The photos said it all. There she was sporting a super new, very stylish short cut whilst holding two bunches of hair, 50cm of hair no less! The hair will be sent off to the Little Princess Trust who will turn the real human hair into wigs for children who have lost their hair through cancer treatment or illness. All free of charge.

I do love a good real life story and one that involves acts of kindness for others. Especially when my friends are at the helm of the big-heartedness. Emma’s personal experience of her own hair loss through stress-induced alopecia inspired her to help those with more severe hair loss.  Here’s Emma story:

“Having seen friends loose their hair through the different stages of cancer treatment, and seeing how loosing their hair had a massive impact it had upon them and how they felt, I have been growing my hair for the last 2.5 years in order to be able to donate my hair to create real hair wigs for those who have lost their own hair through illness. 

I lost a small patch of hair myself through alopecia a few years ago, but managed to cover it up by permanently wearing my hair up in a ponytail. I was so self-conscious about it, and it really knocked my confidence in so many aspects of my life until it grew back (very slowly).  I was lucky, my alopecia was caused by stress (doing a Masters, moving house, starting a new job, relocating and planning a wedding was quite stressful), and i have been lucky enough not to suffer it since. 

Others aren’t as lucky as me, which I why (before I go completely grey!) I decided to do my bit to support those who have no choice and need a helping hand (or hair!).  My hair is now 20 inches long, and on Thursday 18th April 2013 it will be cut short to provide the maximum amount of hair donation I can achieve.  If you know YOU couldn’t do this yourself, then please donate to support me doing it.”

Emma’s fundraising page has already reached above & beyond her original target of £50. At the time of publishing she’d raised £746.50!! If you would like to donate to Emma’s fundraising page hit this link, your donation is kindly appreciated thank you.

Love Seren xx

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

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