Posts Tagged ‘Full Moon’


This post has been brewing for a few weeks now. Today is the day I am sitting down to write it. As I cranked up Word the Davie Bowie song ‘Changes’ popped into my head. Love these messages from the universe. Instantly I hit up You Tube and had a listen before I got started.

May has been a massive month for me. Changes are for sure happening on all levels. I’ve had massive clear out’s & clean up’s in my physical spaces. I had a pull to get everything in order that I have been putting off. Huge pushes from the universe have guided me to really get my act together and pave the way for new beginnings to start. Action is needed right now, no more procrastinating.

The theme of the month has been centered on self-worth. Number one I had to actually recognise my self-worth & embrace my natural talents. I’ve been cruising along on autopilot in my day job. I’ve been feeling a lack of fulfillment & a twinge of boredom. I questioned whether I was in the right place for the person I am today. Did I need a new challenge? Was it time to go looking for a new opportunity? I am too comfortable I need to be uncomfortable.

My push came when a new opportunity did arise but I needed to get all my work together from the past three years in order to seize it. Once I did this and took a long hard look at what I’d achieved in this time I was astounded. I’ve done some great work. There was even too much to choose from, which should I select? It made me really value what I have here & own my self-worth. Yes we’re in a slow period right now. Down time gives me the chance to do some of my own work, my true Soul based projects. Instead of getting ‘bored’ & ‘frustrated’ I simply need to search else where for a challenge.

Nothing came of this opportunity in terms of the predicted end result. I did get the result ‘I’ needed. It was ‘process’ I had to go through to learn my lesson. The beauty of working with the universe is you never can predict what the end result will be, often there is no end result it is the process that counts.

My car was well over due a service by nearly a year. I’d asked my guides when I should get this done & I got a firm ‘Thursday’ back so as instructed I booked it in.

Good job I listened as I needed new rear breaks and a lot of other work which could have been spread out over two services. As I’d waited so long to get it looked at, it all needed doing at once, massive expense. My car is vital to my every day life & I should keep on top of its up keep. I won’t wait as long next time as more importantly for safeties sake.

At home I’ve felt a push to get my healing room sorted out. The room I dedicated to a treatment space had multi functions. This month I felt the need to make it simply a single purpose area. I’m nearly at the stage to start marketing my Reiki work to a wider audience therefore I need to have a professional setting to conduct sessions.

I cleared out the random bits and pieces that had accumulated in the room because they had no-where else to live. Most of this went in the recycling or in the bin, as it was just accumulated crap. I hung my certificates and some new artwork on the walls. A successful trip to Ikea for soft furnishings, a rug, curtains, a throw, coasters, a water jug and glasses finished it off. Since I made the decision to leave my table out all the time my bookings have been non-stop. I have clients scheduled every weekend now. All I needed to do was make the space & literally “build it & they will come,” they sure did!

My confidence and again self-worth has accelerated with regular hands on practice. This period between powerful eclipses has really helped me to get on track with how I should be using my natural talents. I’ve found when I’m using my talents to assist others it never feels like I’m working. Leading with love is effortless & so rewarding.

Everything I have put into motion during May will come into full bloom in around November. It will be again an unknown, exciting action packed period as I step into my power, own my own worth & see where it takes me.

What changes have you gone through this month? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Love Seren xx

Seren Changes

Full Moon Cleansing

It’s that time of the month again. Before all the men run for the hills I don’t mean the ‘girly’ kind of monthly cycle, I mean it’s Full Moon!! This can be an awesome time, full of super charged energy. I mentioned in the hydration post last week about our bodies being made up of water. The moon affects the oceans and tides so it is natural that the moon will have some sort of energy connection to the human body too.

I personally can react to the moon in different ways. Some months I’m buzzing, literally bouncing off the ceilings. Others I’m flat, tired and scattered. Exciting hey, you’re in for a new treat every month. With Mercury having gone into Retrograde on the 23rd there’s lots of planetary influences about right now.

It’s a great time to cleanse you crystals too. There are many ways to clean & cleanse your crystals. I like to use the Full Moon. Crystals absorb any kind of energy & just like us that energy gets trapped inside. That is why it’s a good idea to give them an energizing cleanse at least once a month. Cleansing them will release any stored up negative energy, whilst amplifying the positive energy. If you are using your crystals for healing work and meditation cleansing is a must. Also if other people have touched your crystals (I don’t let people handle my ‘special’ crystals ever) it’s a good idea to give them a clean.

Some people like to use the day before or the day after the actual full moon to cleanse. It’s up to you. I collect mine up the morning after, as I don’t like to leave my crystals out in the full summer sun as this can fade their colours.

Here’s what I do for a Full Moon crystal cleanse. Depending on which crystals I have been using I either select a few or put all of them out. I place a soft cloth in a sturdy container, like a ceramic dish, and place the crystals inside. You can use anything you have or simply place them directly on the ground. Place your crystals where they will be drenched in the moon’s light, so not under a veranda or shade cloth. I have a Buddha statue out the front of my house and I place my dish of crystals in front of him with an affirmation to assist in the cleansing process & to watch over them safely.

After my crystals have been super charged with moon energy they literally sparkle. It’s like they’ve just returned from a wonderful spa retreat, all refreshed and ready for action. I can notice the difference when I hold them in my hand, they feeling ‘charged.’

Give your crystals a treat tonight & put them out for a charge up. To find out when full moon occurs in your part of the world check out this link:

Love, light & happy full mooning,

Seren xx

Seren FB HL Full Moon crystals

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