Can you believe it’s four days into March already? Where has time gone?!
At the end of/start of the year we all get on board with setting intentions or New Year’s Resolutions. I feel a few months into the year our focus might have waned slightly & those intentions might have been forgotten. To assist us all (myself included!) to get back or stay on track I’ve created a NEW FREE worksheet.
Here’s what I have come up with a ‘Monthly Intentions worksheet.’ A few simple questions to plan out your month & what you’d like to achieve. Then we dig a little deeper to get you really connecting within. Complete a new sheet every month. Stick it up somewhere you will see it regularly to stay focused & above all have fun with it. It can’t be all work & no play!
At the end of the month review & reflect on you’re progress. If you’ve haven’t achieved everything, no stress. Use it as a learning curve & roll on your intention to the next month. Don’t forget to congratulate & give yourself a nice reward (doesn’t have to be lavish, an extended sit down on the couch or a bottle of Kombucha!) for any achievements, no matter how small. Always good to have something nice to work towards as well as just plain ol’ personal development.
I hope you enjoy the process as much as I have creating this for you!
Love K xx
Click to Download & enjoy!
Seren Monthly Intentions