Posts Tagged ‘fear’

Getting myself out there

A huge part of running my own business has been getting my name out there in order to attract clients. I am extremely blessed that I can use my skills as a graphic designer to produce my own marketing material. Designing my own business cards, flyers & online marketing has been such a joy. Finally using my creative energy for myself! It was very helpful that I used to work for a business printer so everything I have is super fancy & nicely printed. (Techno geeks I got gang run, matt laminate with round corners!!)

Since I started out as a professional healer my reputation grew from word of mouth. This is fantastic I love personal recommendations. I nearly always ask around my friends if I’m looking for a new service or product to see what other people think is good. Now I’d like to spread my word a little wider I’m putting out printed marketing material in certain locations.

My aim is to attract clients who have at least a basic understanding of energy work. They by know means have to be an expert, just have enough of a knowing to be open & ready to make that connection within them selves. The obvious places to start reaching out too are the yoga studios I work at. It was super exciting putting my flyers & cards on display, seeing them out there made it so real for me. I was surprised when all my cards had gone from one studio within two weeks of my putting them out.

Along with my business coach we devised an action plan to achieve more exposure. It was a little scary at first to step out of my comfort zone & send my marketing to a local Lululemon store. It’s a good fear, it will help me grow. Once I saw it on the community table in the store I got that fluttery feeling in my thymus gland. I wish to attract more clients therefore I must spread my net wider. It’s time for me to work with people I may not know personally so I can grow & develop my skills.

Exciting times. My intention has been set & sent out to the universe. Now I must trust the right clients will find their way to me in good time. After all there are enough clients to go around everyone in this world, they will find me when they are ready.

Love K xx

p.s. Check out my ‘Healing Services’ tab at the top of this blog or from my FB page to see my full offering.

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

Oracle Cards – My Three-Card Spread

It’s a Saturday morning as I write this. I awoke earlier than my planned alarm feeling rested, at peace & ready for a two full days of self-love activities. It amazes me that my body knows just what it needs and isn’t afraid to tell me. I went to bed with the intention of getting a full nights sleep & I got just that.

Getting up earlier than I thought meant I can take my time with my morning routine. I did a full twenty minutes of oil pulling, lit my candles and now I’m drinking my favourite tea. Sitting with the heater on full blast is lovely because no one else is around to complain, “it’s too hot.” I’ve had a few minutes on social media to say ‘hi.’ Lastly I reviewed my week, checked back in my journal & given thanks to the universe for helping me become who I am today. Setting my day up the right way.

Now I’m in a happy space, content, warm and focused. It’s time to pull a three-card spread from my Angel Therapy cards. I introduced you briefly to oracle cards in this post. Today I felt like a good scry 😉 When you work knowingly with the universe it’s amazing how well things flow.  It just makes sense. My cards today are evidence of that. A huge smile spread my face as my question was answered.

A three-card spread works like this. You set your intent, I ask a question out load or in my head. Whilst I think of this question I shuffle the cards. I then get a knowing or I’m told to ‘stop.’ I then pull the top three cards from the pack. The first card you pull goes face up on the left. This is related to your immediate past of the question you asked. The middle card is the present, what you need to know right now. The final card goes to the right. This is the immediate future if you follow the guidance of the middle card on your currant path.

Here’s what I pulled today:

Seren 3 Card Spread

Left: Fairies – You have a strong bond with the fairies, and you life purpose involves helping Mother Nature.

Middle: Heart Chakra – The answer you seek is in your heart right now. Be open to giving and receiving love.

Right: Listen to Your Intuitive Feelings – Your body is receiving accurate messages from the divine.

This selection really resonated with the question I asked. Everything I have learned over the past year on my spiritual journey has taught me to ‘follow my heart.’ Gut instincts are more powerful than we realise. It’s a process, it takes time to shuffle through and get rid of the crap that holds you back. Crap which is usually fear based. The beauty is I will never stop learning, the crap will keep coming up but hopefully over time I will sift through it quicker.

Only the previous day I had a session with my mentor. My cards today fitted in so perfectly with what we went through. The most poignant advice being “Don’t assume you are immediately wrong.” If someone challenges me great but I shouldn’t give into the resistance of self-doubt and instantly think I am wrong. There is no wrong. Everyone is right in his or her own way. The middle and right cards cements this for me. If I follow my heart, trust and listen to my intuitive feelings I’m doing the right thing for me. Just as if anyone follows their own heart it is right for them.

We all receive divine messages. Whether we realise it or understand them is another matter. The explanation from the guidebook for the third card says this, “most of these messages come through in your physical and emotional senses, as your body is extremely sensitive to subtle energies. Sometimes you may not understand your feelings, yet they have accurate, underlying wisdom.”  Doreen Virtue – Angle Therapy Oracle Cards 2006.

The lifestyle I have adopted over the past nine months has really helped me be in tune with my physical body and my intuition. Practicing everyday and tuning into the invisible has helped accelerate my understanding. I can tell when a message is for me or whether it is related to my clients. There is a difference with how I ‘feel’ or ‘hear’ these messages. Trusting in these messages is HUGE part. Once you let go of any ego driven thought and just go with it, the answers speak for themselves. I’m learning everyday & I’m always so hungry for new knowledge I thrive from this.

Onwards and upwards I go. I am living the best possible life for ‘me’ right now. This is what I shall honour and give daily gratitude for. It is hard to keep out of the drama of everyday life. Through my healing work I’m discerning when it is appropriate to get involved and when I should just keep quiet. It’s getting easier, slowly.

My mantra: Discernment, discernment and discernment.

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