At the end of last year I shared with you all a post about one of my greatest fears…have a read here to get up to speed.
This year is the year to step forward & conquer this fear. All signs were pointing to “YES, you can do this hit the record button.” I was feeling super supported last week as I headed out into the garden with my laptop to just give it a go.
It wasn’t easy. There was a lot of emotion running through me: frustration, anger, nerves & F bombs, mixed with joy, happiness & pride.
The quality isn’t the best. I have much to learn with creating & editing video’s but at least it’s a start. I have a feeling some technical support will be presenting itself in the very near future from some filming guru’s out there. (I would more than welcome a gift of a GoPro 😉 haha)
Without further a do I present to you ‘My First Video.’ It’s a funny snippet out take that just happened in between the ‘serious’ recording that was going on. Raw, unedited, nothing fancy. Just me in my garden HAVING SOME FUN!
Lot’s of love,