What a weekend hey? Who rode the huge cosmic wave that whooshed over us the past four days? The whole month of September I’ve felt the energy start to build. It’s been huge.
Reflecting back over the past month I can see how the slow start to September was gifted to me in preparation for this weekend. The first two weeks were all about me, taking care of myself, clearing out, making plans & having my own healing sessions.
Mercury went into retrograde seventeen days in. I felt confident I had done my work during the pre-shadow period carefully observing what was coming up for me. Watching what I say & how I communicate took centre stage. My world became very ‘on a need to know basis.’
This has been very interesting to observe. I was keeping my personal goings on close to my chest, only sharing when necessary to a select few. There are projects & plans I wish to keep sacred, just for now, only for me until the retro is over. Everything is so up for change, another lesson during Mercury, I really wish to let my seeds grow privately.
I could see others doing the same, keeping things close but sharing with a few. This helps builds the strength around a project & gives us all time to get excited too before it goes viral. It’s such a special time in the early stages of a project keeping it sacred, just like a pregnancy. Allowing it time to grown & gather strength.
It’s crazy though when word does get out how quickly it can escalate. That’s the power of Mercury behind communications. It invites us to check in with what we are saying. Are we sharing for the greater good or is it gossip? Stop & think before you speak. Is it your news to share?
The past eleven days have been high speed with plenty of ups & downs. My physical body was definitely going through some shifts energetically that were showing up in aching muscles, mood swings, poor food choices & disrupted sleep.
In my yoga practice I was just miserable as I literally dragged myself through each posture. Every muscle hurt, my lungs felt like they couldn’t take in enough air & it felt like a black cloud was raining down on me. It was all good though. I didn’t attach to what was happening I accepted the physical challenges were doing what they were supposed to. Shifting & clearing.
The pace certainly picked up again after Equinox on Wednesday 23rd September. Meditating out in the garden under a beautiful blue sky was divine. It was the perfect time to conduct a sacred ceremony to see in the new cycle. Cleansing my house with Illuminator incense from Resonant Aromatics, giving myself an oracle card reading & of course playing my crystal-singing bowl.
I found myself out & about in many social situations following Equinox & it was tapping me out. My focus was all over the place, jumping from one conversation to the next, feeling jittery on par with a coffee overload. Was I getting ADHA?! Time to pull back & slow it down. These were signs I needed to be in my own space. My body was already reacting stepping in to help pull me up with digestive issues, migraine symptoms & lethargy. I changed my weekend plans to reduce overload & some well needed universal assistance presented just at the right time to help further. Thank you xx
Time to rest.
With two full days away from my yoga teaching duties I was able to be at home putting my focus into areas I have been neglecting.
Bringing back the balance.
The juicer was dusted down & put to work. What I needed most is good nutrition to help ease the digestive up sets & shift through what needs to be cleared. I find juicing an easy way to get what I need in me quickly.
My water intake has been crazy. I can’t get enough magnesium-salted water at the moment. The more I drink the better I start to feel, again a great energetic flushing tool as well as a physical one. Listening to my body & giving it what it is asking for is working.
Getting some major meditation in was top priority too. Stillness to connect & feel into what is going on was required. On Friday & Saturday I let my Sadhana slip right when I needed it the most.
Not pushing too hard is something I struggle with. Especially the sacred days I have all day at home to focus on writing & creating. Acknowledging when I need to rest is important. If the couch is calling then I need to honour that & I have been. There’s no point plugging away on a creative project when really I should be resting up. Gathering strength & focus so I’m pumped up & back on form. (I watched ‘Indecent Proposal’ on Saturday what a classic old movie!)
Taking time out for a day is serving me well. With the Super Full Moon & total Solar Eclipse it’s been the best time for stepping out of the mainstream. Writing this on Monday afternoon I’m feeling so much better. I’m out the other side of my big shift focused & on form. The recent planetary activity & solar flares are giving me energy now I have cared for myself.
How have you been feeling over the past week or so?
Did you honour the Equinox, Full Moon & Solar Eclipse in a special way?
I’d love to hear how you’ve been getting on. Drop me a message in the comments below if you wish to share.
Big love