Posts Tagged ‘emotions’

Time to let go & move on

Good morning readers. I hope you are all keeping well in your worlds? We are flying through 2013 aren’t we, it’s July already, how did that happen? I felt like June was a bit of a breather between May’s big energies and now July’s. If you feel like you have been loosing the plot or the people around have been a bit crazy town, don’t worry you are not alone.

The current Mercury Retrograde that commenced on June 26th has been strong. For me it has given me the push I needed to step up to my own responsibilities. No more making excuses or passing blame. If something is not aligned with me any longer to who I am today then I need to deal with it. I did deal with it for sure!

This period in the planetary movements allows us to see the ‘real core’ in people/situations that goes deeper than surface appearances. Relationships have been under great scrutiny. Masks have been removed as people reveal their truth.

Just seven days ago my heart was filled with joy when this happened. An old hurt came back to be healed. The person involved presented herself to me in such a raw, beautiful light I literally melted. The mask she had been hiding behind (one I wasn’t gelling with) was gone. What was left was awesome. I thought ‘this is the person I fell in love with many years ago & I’m thrilled she is back.’ My friend spoke openly on how she has been renovating her life, facing her flaws and she physically glowed telling me what she was doing to get back on track. I listened and gave such huge gratitude that she was able to share this openly. Ahhhh happy sigh.

Let’s move onto the more gritty, dark & turbulent story. I decided to start with the happy one first. Within my life there are things and sadly people who are no longer serving me. I tend to cling to the past too much. Take a wardrobe for example. Who has ratty old singlets or t-shirts they just can’t throw out? You love them because they are safe, comfortable and reliable. They are fine for layering or wearing round the house to do the cleaning in. In fact they are worn out. They are full of holes, stained, stinky, faded and don’t fit well anymore. It’s time to retire them to make room for some new shining ones that will serve you better.

I thought up this analogy to bring some sense to a current situation. Okay it’s a bit weird to compare a friend to a ratty singlet but I am. It’s human nature that people in our lives come and go. We literally grow apart from people. We change, we move, we expand and excel. This is all done at different rates, on different time scales. Some friends can’t keep up with us. We ourselves may fall behind our friends. When this happens we no longer resonate with each other. We literally do not make sense of where each other is coming from. You meet each other with blank stares.

This is okay. It’s okay to not be okay with someone you feel is not a good fit for you anymore. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It will make you a better person for being true to your own Soul. The biggest challenge is too face up to this realization and be responsible for it. That is just what I did.

I’ll try not to get too personal on this subject I’ll keep it brief. I had a friend who no longer lifted me to the dizzy heights she used to, sad but true. We had been growing apart for a while and I didn’t want to face the fact so carried on as usual hoping we were just going through a ‘rough patch.’  Finally I needed to face facts. With the help from the universe I decided to speak my truth from the purest intent as I thought it might help us through this rough patch. Let’s say it didn’t get the reaction I had intended. The rough patch was the stepping-stone to a full on break up.

We are not responsible for other people’s reactions to our actions. What ever gets thrown back at us ‘is what it is.’ The reaction is what that person needed to do. The words we gave to get that reaction are ours to own even if they are not welcomed. Yes your words may cause a person to feel anger, hurt and betrayal. Those feelings are theirs, they created them inside of their own being. You didn’t.

I would never intentionally hurt some one. I got a shock with the reaction I received, as I mentioned earlier I spoke with pure intentions. I ended up hurting myself more with my reaction to their reaction. I retracted my truth and tried to apologise for what I’d said because I am a compassionate person. The self doubt came in & I started questioning my intent (head reaction). Then I stopped. I should not have to apologise for who I am & speaking my truth. I should have stood by my words, owned them 100%. All the doubt I felt then vanished.

Now I’m living a fully integrated life of head & heart connection daily what comes through for me is no longer ego lead. It’s hard for others to understand this. That is okay. As long as I know my intention is pure & stand by it all is well.

I realise now I needed this situation to happen, it was meant to, I got the right reaction. It was time to say goodbye. My Soul guided words had more meaning than my human brain could process. My Soul wanted me to face the fact I could no longer have this person in my life. It was hard. I went through the entire range of post break up emotions that were entirely my responsibility. Looking back this isn’t the first time this has happened to me, it won’t be the last either. But I am at peace with that.

Time for the happy ending! Now I am no longer wasting time and energy on relationships that no longer serve me I can see what relationships I need to be focusing on. Slowing myself down and having a good look around I have actually made some new friends recently. Friends who I have attracted by being the person I am right now. Therefore they are fully aligned with who I am today. I give great thanks for this and gratitude for the above situation for making room for the right people to enter my life. I can’t put new clothes in my wardrobe if its jam packed full of old outdated items can I? I’m learning life is about quality not quantity so I won’t be in a rush to fill my spaces too quickly.

My personal Mantra: “Own what I say & the doubt will go away.” 

Love Seren xx



When surgery is a positive experience

For someone who has never had any medical procedures apart from the routine one’s blood test, blood pressure etc. to have two major surgeries in one year is quite epic. The first was the removal of all four of my wisdom teeth after years of agony & British dentists refusing to take them out. On my first visit to an Australian (British trained funnily enough) dentist I was told those teeth had to go. It would be a day surgery procedure with full on general anaesthetic (my first). It went very well & I’ve not had any post surgery problems.

The second surgery came about eight months later. Since the age of 15 or 16 I had an epidermoid cyst next to my left ear. It started off as an acne pimple from which the pore must have been blocked resulting in a build up of epidermis causing the cyst. I was always aware of it but being a teenager ignored it despite people commenting on ‘what is that lump on your face?’ The cyst was not weeping or painful. It was just there. As you can see from the below photos it was quite large, how I could just ignore that I do not know. I grew my hair and kept it covered.

Over the years I Googled what it could be leading to a self-diagnosis of it being an epidermoid cyst. Looking back now it is something I should have checked out ASAP, it could have been malignant. However as it didn’t grow or change appearance I was pretty confident it was a cyst.

My journey of awakening to a Soul lead life really helped me get on top of the physical manifestation on my face. It was in a kinesiology session that I was told that the cyst was unbalancing me. The therapist who was also beauty trained took a keen interest in my cyst. She gave me an organic herbal treatment to try to see if it would reduce the size. A friend also tried crystal healing on it in a Reiki session.

Last year I came to realise that the cyst had grown at a time I was going through some super emotional things in my teenage life that I wasn’t facing up to. I wasn’t listening to what I was being told, trying to hide from hearing the worse. The result was the build up and manifestation of the cyst next to my left ear. Left being our spiritual and feminine side. My situation involved a female friend who was terminally ill.

Nothing metaphysical worked. It was time to get it sorted out. I asked my GP about a surgical removal. She said it was a very delicate area next to my ear that had some pretty important nerves attached. Confirming my diagnosis that it was an epidermoid cyst which 99% were not cancerous I was advised to leave it.

A friend who is very well connected in the surgical field took a special interest in my ‘lump.’ To the point she got me a consultation with an eye surgeon who was able to refer me to a specialist plastic surgeon. Everything happened so quickly from then. The plastic surgeon took one look at my cyst and was confident he could remove it with the help of an ENT specialist. Within two weeks I was booked in for the procedure under local anaesthetic.

It was a quite a bizarre day. Having my cyst removed after an 18-year relationship was moving. It was time for me to let go of the emotions that caused it to develop in the first place. I was ready to literally have that part of my life cut out and be gone. I was ready. Eighteen years is a long time. However it fitted perfectly with the ebb and flow of the universe. Eclipses move in eighteen-year cycles too.

I took myself to the surgery as being under local I didn’t need someone to drive me. It was strange laid on the operating table, fully awake, with the drape over my head whilst the doctors scraped and cut away the appendage. I couldn’t feel a thing. I was very confident in the surgeon’s ability and was reassured having the ENT specialist there guiding the scalpel away from my precious nerve endings. I was warned I could loose the feeling in that part of my face. It might effect my eye or mouth movement but this I was told is rare. The nurse quickly showed me my cyst once it was removed but I couldn’t see it properly.

It was all done and over with within 30 minutes. I did get to see the cyst after in the specimen bottle. It had to go to the lab to be checked so I couldn’t keep it. Gross I know, why would I want to keep it! It was fine, as predicted not malignant just a solid ball of skin crap. I took myself home & was back in work the next day.

This surgery was massive for me. I did feel so balanced afterwards & still do. I’m no longer carrying around years of denial or hurt. I was free. The healing process was amazing too. I had no problems at all. I wasn’t given any drugs just Vaseline to keep it from drying out. Once the stitches were removed I used organic rosehip oil to help the scarring. Within a few weeks there was no sign the cyst was even there. Nearly a year on all I have is a tiny white line. This was more confirmation that the time was right for the cyst to be removed. I even had my hair cut really short as I no longer need the hair to hide the cyst behind. My mentor even commented she felt I would do this and even cut my hair shorter, which I did. All part of the process of me living to my purpose and letting the true me shine.

When your mind is in the right place and your Soul is guiding you on the correct path the outcome will be nothing but positive. I am so happy I had the cyst removed. The times I was told it couldn’t be removed I can see now it wasn’t the right time for me to let go. As soon as I was ready the solution was presented to me simply and the process flowed. The universe was just waiting for me to be ready it won’t and can’t step in unless we give consent. That was given and off we went!

Love Seren xx

Seren Blog Cyst image

The Solar Plexus

Most of you will have heard of the Chakra system of the energetic body. Here’s a quick 101 for those who are not familiar. In metaphysics it is believed our life force energy or Prana is held in different centres of the body called Chakras. Chakra in Sanskrit means ‘wheel’ or ‘turning’ as each Chakra is constantly spinning. There are twelve major chakras in total, with another seven to twenty one from the legs down. The middle seven are the most commonly known and worked with. There is a wealth of information all about chakras to be found on the net if you are unsure.

In this post I am focusing on just the third chakra the Solar Plexus or Manipura in Sanskrit. The colour of the Solar Plexus is yellow and its element is fire, this brings a strong association with the Sun our most powerful energy source. Located just above the navel it is the energy hub from which other energy centres draw from.

The reason I am highlighting this Chakra today is from a personal journey I have taken with it. Up until a year ago my life was governed by my crippling self-doubt. I needed to justify everything I did to prove it was worthwhile & to prove myself worthy. Instead of just rolling with it & owning my truth, I doubted and had to back up everything I did. My self-doubt stems from a Soul based desire to be perfect. Not just in this life, from many before. I keep coming back to ‘out do’ myself each time.  Nothing wrong with that, we are here to grow & expand after all but the self-doubt was stifling my progress.

How does the Solar Plexus fit in? As the Solar Plexus is located around the stomach region trapped emotions such as anger, frustration, doubt, low self-esteem & worry can affect the organs in this area. For me I didn’t suffer terribly from digestive disorders but I certainly was very uncomfortable. By the end of the workday my stomach would be so bloated and gassy I looked like I was pregnant. I would dwell for days, even years on past hurts. All those emotions were building up inside me and manifesting in physical form around my middle. Slowly my stomach would swell to beach ball size with every emotion I held. Have you noticed when you are stressed or have a fright you instantly go to cover your stomach area with your hands? This area is precious & we strive to protect it.

My turning point happened when I got onto my Spiritual path nearly a year ago now. I needed sitting down for a good talking too directly from my Soul. That is just what I got. The work I did with my Soul Mentor was invaluable. I put in the effort and I got the results. Now I am following my Soul’s guidance to be on the right path for me the crippling self-doubt is under control to near non-existence. By leading from Soul there is no need to question, as I trust her guidance is spot on for me.

Now I have released my trapped emotions and negative thinking patterns my Solar Plexus is very happy & balanced. The result is no more bloating or cramping. I have literally lost kilos from around my waist & stomach. The layers of extra padding that grew to protect my precious energy hub is no longer needed or serving me so it has gone. It is amazing how that invisible energy and emotions can impact you physically. Change that negative way of thinking and wow you can change your life for the better. I am living evidence if you need it.

To keep my Solar Plexus balanced I must not hold on or get attached to situations or the emotions I mentioned above. Learning to let things go & wash through me has been tough. Now I acknowledge a situation has happened, I find the lesson in it & let it go. If I physically feel unbalanced I simply lay my palms over my Solar Plexus or have my left hand on my heart and my right on my stomach. This draws a connection between the two & keeps the energy flowing. A visual affirmation for me is I wear the Solar Plexus symbol on a wrist bracelet. Just to remind me where my energy power centre is if at any point that doubt creeps up on me.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Love Seren xx

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

Shifts & Changes

Wow what a great start to April is all I can say. These past two weeks have been great. March was draining I was very physically and mentally tired. All I wanted to do was sleep but my dreams were super busy with lots of astral travel. Meaning I would wake up feeling like I’d done a days work because I had. The planets were busy too as we rode the Mercury Retrograde with a powerful full moon.

March was however a fantastic time for me. My constant whacked state was due to my physical body catching up with the changes of my spiritual body. I’d started a new course of study with my mentor and I was (& still am) reading some old spiritual texts. It was amazing how quick things changed for me and how simple the lessons were to grasp. Whilst my inner self was adjusting to the new information, making leaps & bounds in all the right directions my poor physical body couldn’t keep up. It was literally being left behind. The division of my two parts was extremely evident with the tiredness, sleepless nights & cravings for sugar. (Which I haven’t had in a long time)

Everything I’ve learned over the past six weeks has really settled in now & has been absorbed. I can start living this new truth, integrating my two parts back to balance. I feel so alive again and so very grateful for everything I have right now. I feel cocooned in a pink bubble of happiness. It’s just lovely when these moments of integration happen. When I’m off kilter I look back to these times as a reference point to remember what to do get this feeling back.

I’m seeing random acts of kindness everywhere. Strangers interacting with each other doing the most gracious and caring things. A lady dropped her jacket yesterday in front of me. I thought ‘oh her jacket’ and rushed forward to pick it up to be beaten to it by another kind stranger. Another lady had a tear in her work trousers I noticed from a far. It was a tricky call to make, she obviously didn’t realize as it was in quite a sensitive spot, basically her ass was hanging out! Whilst I thought how shall I approach this, another lady further in front jumped in and subtly mentioned the rip. I sent my gratitude to these wonderful people & hope they are re given too ten fold for their actions. I’m sure they will be.

Another shift that has been occurring for the whole of this year has been with physical exercise. I’ve really struggled with my own personal Bikram practice. I’ve been too drained to get in the room as regularly as I used too. When I’m shifting like this I don’t deal very well in big energy situations, I tend to hibernate. Staying away from the room was my way of dealing. I had a huge mental struggle going on which was fine as my two halves were not as together as usual.

A massive part of my lessons this past two weeks has been to see everyone ‘as one.’ We are all from the same source we see each other in everyone as we are each other. One light with many projections. Does that make sense? It’s hard to explain. With this fresh in my head I was so fired up for some yoga. My body needed to move. The perfect situation to be in a room full of mirrors reflecting back the negative image of the positive soul projections, all-working together and moving together as one. One light, shining. I had a beautiful practice this morning once I’d grasped this concept. No need to feel drowned & bogged down by all the different energy in the room as there is no different energy, just one, all radiating from the same point. I could not have felt more balanced & in unity. After all yoga means unity, now I get this even more deeply.

Have a wonderful day everyone. Do something exceptional today. All the tools you need are inside you already just ask to be shown and use them.

Much love,

Seren xx

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