Posts Tagged ‘dreadlocks’

Organic Dreadlock Care

Dreadlocks conjure up the image of crusty hippies right? Well aren’t hippie’s tree hugging, eco warriors who will go to any lengths to save the environment? Excuse the stereotypes but I feel these people will fit right in on this blog. I live with a dreadlocked hippy that couldn’t be happier up to his elbow in dirt, recycling and hugging a few trees.

It might be misunderstood that dreadlocks are a low maintenance, lazy way to wear one’s hair. Alas quite the opposite. To keep dreadlocks nice, tidy and non- stinky takes a lot of work. Washing, drying and rolling dreads take a lot of time, especially if they are new. Some people like to get their frizzy roots tightened up every few months and re-waxed. If dreads are not aired out properly after washing you could get a mildew problem that may well start to smell like mould.

Healthy scalps will avoid dandruff, flaking & itching. Commercial hair care products that are highly chemical based or fragranced can be the cause of the above. Fragrances can get trapped in dreads & may leave an undesired smell. If you do find yourself with scabby scalp problems tea tree oil will work a treat.

There are many products out there made for dread care. Being a ‘holistic’ blog I try to encourage the use of organic. My dreadlocked buddy uses locally hand made soap to wash his ‘creatures’ every few weeks. On the advice of his ‘dreadlocks hairdresser’ he avoids all commercial hair care products. We found a great local organic brand call Savi Australia who not only make awesome skin care but dreadlocks products. (Which are on sale at the moment, bonus) All Australian certified organic and affordable.

Out of the six dread products we test-drove three. The ‘Dread Butter’ didn’t last very long on a full, long head of dreads but the result was fantastic. Frizz free, tight, conditioned and shiny. It smells pretty good. ‘Dread Locked’ spray is pretty handy for a quick spritz. An essential oil based spray to help the formation of new dread and enhancing the strength of mature locks. My favourite that I use on my own hair for a freshen up to is the ‘Dread Fume.’  It does what it says on the bottle. Perfumes your dreads with ‘pure aromatic essentials oils’. It can be sprayed on the body too. To me it smells a Northern Hemisphere Christmas with aloe Vera juice, cinnamon oil, lemongrass oil, clove oil, lime oil and cedar wood.

Dreadlocks don’t have to be crusty with all these lovely organic products available. Just as with everything in life a little love and effort will keep them looking fresh & funky.

Love Seren xx

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

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