Welcome to the halfway point of the year and the Micro Full Moon in Sagittarius, 9:11 pm WA time (11:11 pm AEST, what an excellent number!). The moon is micro today as it is the furthest point away from the earth. Therefore it may not look like it is as ‘big’ as usual in the sky tonight. The knock on effect of this is the energy may not feel as intense and unsettling as usual. If you usually get a bit whacked out on the moon vibes, tonight may be a little easier to be in the flow.
I am excited as I get to spend Full Moon in the northern hemisphere. Last time this happened I was in Sedona, Arizona in 2015. The Moon is full at 2:11 pm for me in the UK.
Speaking of the UK, it has been under the spotlight for some not so pleasant reasons of late. It is so sad & yes a bit scary what has been going down. However, I had no qualms sticking to my plans to visit by not subscribing to fear. Say no to terror or else they win. England is my country of birth and was my home for twenty-five years before I immigrated to Australia. All my family and life long friends are here, and there was no way I was missing out on seeing them.
If anything I fully trust I am to be here at this time. There is work to be done. I’m not sure what that is yet but I received the intuitive pull I should be here right now. Also, I’d like to see for myself how the country is thriving and rising under the current challenges. The day after I arrived the General Election was on, as a British citizen I am entitled to have my vote. Again, another opportunity that presented.
With the full moon energy being softer this month and right in the middle of the year it’s similar to half time in a sports game. An opportunity to take a break and a breather. The central point of balance. Not too high or too low, just right. This middle ground is soothing. Minus the usual foggy brain effects and ungrounded wobbles full moon often hands me it is easier to focus on what is next. I am quite grateful for not feeling ‘moony’ as I have jetlag to contend with instead!

The quiet centre place of balance.
Just before I left, I attended an excellent sound healing session where a lot of big, exciting ideas came through. These are something that I can put some thought into planning for the tail end of the year and even into 2018. Having a change of space and hemisphere is just what I need right now to plan my next moves.
This year is a foundation year. It’s all about paving the way from now till 2026. (Wow, we should be driving flying cars by then hey?) We have let go of what is not working for us over the last nine-year cycle. Naturally, we have all evolved and vibe to a different frequency. Therefore it’s okay to change our opinions. What brought us joy in 2014 may make us retract with a repulse in 2017. Trust this is a good thing. You are allowed to change your mind.
What foundations have you laid down this year? Have you started new projects, tried new things or even had a total lifestyle makeover? This year might be your big year for change and break free. I’ve certainly shifted my outlook on life. Letting go of control and surrendering to a more free-flowing approach. Turning up and seeing what happens has worked out quite well instead of planning right down to the tiniest detail.
For some, it may feel like you haven’t even started to build yet, the ground is still being turned over. You may have been busy tying up last year’s loose ends & finishing clearing out the old stuff. All of this work is still part of the process of starting a fresh. Take time now to stop and reflect. This is a good thing for everyone to do.
Look back over the past five months and note down everything you have achieved. When we are pushing on to get things done, it’s easy to overlook how far we have come. Especially when dealing with big and well-established situations, these do take more time. Take a breath and celebrate your wins. Even take a few days off and put your feet up. This will give you time to review all your great work this year.
You are doing more than enough, go easy on yourself. I feel this is a strong message right now. Make sure you are moving and getting outside. The best way to recharge and shift stagnant energy is to move your body. It doesn’t even have to be in an organised way like going for a run or taking a yoga class. Fling yourself around your lounge room or jump on the bed! Just get your body doing something that is not static. I always say breathing is underrated. Breathe, great big, deep long breaths to feel your lungs expand fully. Then let it go through the mouth with any sound you like. Notice how much clearer and energised you feel afterwards.
Crystal Cleansing
Don’t forget to put your crystals out for a cleanse tonight and even the next few nights. Just like our bodies can store stagnant energy (especially when we don’t move), our crystals can build up energy that needs releasing. It’s all in the intention so even of they are not directly in the moonlight, or it’s cloudy they will still get a charge up.
Enjoy the softer, quieter and gentle energy of tonight’s micro-moon. I hope you all have restful and peaceful nights sleep.
Until next time, love,