This weekend presents a double hit of high energy. Saturday 28th January is not only New Moon in Aquarius it is also Chinese New Year or the New Lunar Year. 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. Has anyone else felt his or her fire rising up this past week in preparation?
I can’t keep saying this enough but this year is throwing out some pretty magnificent energy. Everything that is going on in the planets has such a positive vibe. There is a great deal on offer for those who step up and embrace working knowingly with the Universe.
It’s quiet interesting to observe how the animal for this year carries the element of fire, whilst the zodiac sign of this month New Moon is air. Air fuels fire. 2017 is actually a Yin year and is ruled also by the element of fire. The perfect balance between yin and yang being supportive as always.
I’ve written already this month about this year being all about solid foundations and new beginnings for the next nine-year cycle. We can connect with the force of the fire rooster to set our inner fires alight. Put in the hard work to reap the rewards. Fire Rooster possesses the qualities of efficiency and ambition. It’s a call to action year to get things moving. If you desire success all you need to do is put in the hours and you will get back what you put in.
Manifesting is beyond quick this year. It’s literally akin to having a genie’s magic lamp at hand. I’m totally gob smacked at the opportunities that are presenting in the real world that were a mere tiny dream just a few months or weeks ago for me. I’ve had so many “are you serious, is this for real?” moments where everything is just slotting together effortlessly and in alignment with my desires. To the point there may even be too much to choose from. How good is that? Open your eyes and pay attention to all the details there is so much gold around.
This weekend’s double energy whammy has great potential. I love the Aquarius essence of inventive, eccentric and basically woo woo weirdo hippy dippy dreamers. Aquarians are the wise sages that are often misunderstood. They could also be called the brilliant geniuses that have the world’s greater good in their visions. (My Moon is in Aquarius so I know them well) Combine the fiery ambition of the rooster with the whimsy no limits vibe of Aquarius to set yourself up for the big time. New Moon is the best time to set an intention for the four weeks ahead. If you’re keen you can even set your grand solar goal for the entire year too under this energy coupling.
I mentioned earlier we are in a yin year that invites us to maybe not be in the limelight as much as in a yang year. Just because it’s yin doesn’t mean we won’t be working hard. The work will be happening as we retreat to our creative sanctuary to beaver away at all the important behind the scenes stuff. Then when these are laid out and set in solid concrete we can reveal them to the world.
Sometimes we work better when away from distractions. Relish this time of solitude to get some good quality work happening. Start the project you’ve always wanted to but haven’t for whatever reason. Don’t worry about disappearing or going off the radar. All the other awesome people will be doing it too and respecting each others need to do so.
Again I can’t stress enough that you need to put in a big effort to get results. Manifesting does not work if you just wish and want and don’t take action. Sitting back waiting to be served will see you go hungry. If you do take action and full responsibility for creating a life you love then you will flourish during this abundant cycle. Do remember that abundance is not all about cold, hard cash. I’m feeling this new wave is more about life experiences and feeling rather than topping up the bank account to buy more stuff. Any cash money we receive will fuel Soul driven adventures.
Call in the energy of all that you wish to achieve.
This New Moon start making your list of what you would like to achieve. If you wish to put a date or time scale to it then go ahead. I work better to a deadline as they put wind in my sails. Just be prepared the universe will be watching and delivering. Make sure you are putting in the solid graft as if you wish things to be real by May then other parts of your life will start to shift quickly to create the space.
Have fun with your intention and manifesting this weekend. The Moon is New at 8:07am WA time. Take yourself out into nature for inspiration, high vibes, healing and nurturing.
Till soon, love