Earlier this morning (1:40am WA time) the second New Moon of October rose in the sky. Today’s Moon in Scorpio is known as a Black or Dark moon as the sun’s reflection does not shine on the moon’s face.
There has been so much movement and clearing out over the past few months at times it seemed like this cycle would never stop. The ride has been rough in places there is no denying that. It was needed though to finally shift the stubborn, stagnant energy that needed releasing. Heading into November I can finally breathe again, the weight has been lifted and it feels like coming up for air after a deep dive.
Intuitive Vision
The vision I am receiving is of wild bush land, thick with weeds, thistles and overgrown vegetation. A great deal of labour is needed to strip away and clear this debris. Blistered hands, torn skin and aching muscles are a result. Now the land is smooth, the soil has been turned, ploughed and nourished. It’s ready to receive seed to grow fertile lush surroundings.
Stripped bear we are fed up of hiding in the shadows or staying small in order to be accepted or fit in. Our skin is clean and fresh. We only wish to be ourselves now and not be covered up again. No more dulling our light it’s time for full beams all the way. If we shine it gives permission for those around us to shine too.
Planning Your Next Step
The important task in hand for today is to decide where to move too next. Our fields are ready to plant; there is fresh soil waiting. Formulate a six-month plan as to what you’d like to achieve by the Full Moon in April 2017. Write everything down or create a vision board if you are more about visuals. Committing ideas to paper in any media gives them form. The inward dream is now on the outside and no longer hidden. Connect with your words or pictures regularly. This builds the important momentum needed to bring your dreams further into reality.
Keep your visions close to your heart while the seeds germinate and take root. This allows them to their build strength and you to fully own them. If the roots haven’t take a firm grip a strong wind can easily blow them away. In real speak, someone you share your dream with may talk you out of it or make you doubt the whole plan so you abandon it.
The New Moon Push
Today’s New Moon may be quite the soul shaker for some of us. Especially if we are holding back from taking a wild leap or are doubting what we truly wish to create. I’ve certainly had my shadows rise to the surface this week. Old insecurities and self-doubt showed up when I was offered an amazing opportunity to spread my wings further. Time to follow my own advice for sure here and step out of my comfort zone. I’ve been called to this new adventure for a reason. The process was effortless on my part all I had to do was say yes and the gig was mine. Then the positive resistance showed up to confirm I made the right decision. My crippling self-doubt presented to test me. I shall rise to the next level and bring the light to new people and places.
If you feel the push today to get up and make it happen please follow through with this. The universe is there to support you, a strong hand on your back to keep you steady and moving forward with this. You never know unless you try so go try. What have you got to loose if you didn’t have it in the first place?
Happy All Hallows Eve
It’s a double exciting day for Spiritual Adventurers (#spiritualadventurer) as tonight is also All Hallows Eve or Halloween. Spirit connection is highlighted as gateways to other dimensions open up. If you feel drawn too you may wish to conduct a scared ceremony in honour of the spirits that support us whilst we are here on earth. Light candles, create an alter space with crystals and nature objects, give yourself an oracle card reading or meditate under the moon.
I was pondering the commercial side of Halloween over the weekend and wondered if anyone would dress up at the yoga studios. Costume classes aren’t as popular in Australia as in the States. With my strange sense of humour I figured I would just go as myself – this is what a ‘modern day witch’ looks like hey 😉
Enjoy the Dark New Moon and Hallows Eve today. Let me know how you’ve been travelling the past four weeks in the comments below.
With love,
Field Image credit: http://www.freepik.com/sxc