Posts Tagged ‘business’

Getting myself out there

A huge part of running my own business has been getting my name out there in order to attract clients. I am extremely blessed that I can use my skills as a graphic designer to produce my own marketing material. Designing my own business cards, flyers & online marketing has been such a joy. Finally using my creative energy for myself! It was very helpful that I used to work for a business printer so everything I have is super fancy & nicely printed. (Techno geeks I got gang run, matt laminate with round corners!!)

Since I started out as a professional healer my reputation grew from word of mouth. This is fantastic I love personal recommendations. I nearly always ask around my friends if I’m looking for a new service or product to see what other people think is good. Now I’d like to spread my word a little wider I’m putting out printed marketing material in certain locations.

My aim is to attract clients who have at least a basic understanding of energy work. They by know means have to be an expert, just have enough of a knowing to be open & ready to make that connection within them selves. The obvious places to start reaching out too are the yoga studios I work at. It was super exciting putting my flyers & cards on display, seeing them out there made it so real for me. I was surprised when all my cards had gone from one studio within two weeks of my putting them out.

Along with my business coach we devised an action plan to achieve more exposure. It was a little scary at first to step out of my comfort zone & send my marketing to a local Lululemon store. It’s a good fear, it will help me grow. Once I saw it on the community table in the store I got that fluttery feeling in my thymus gland. I wish to attract more clients therefore I must spread my net wider. It’s time for me to work with people I may not know personally so I can grow & develop my skills.

Exciting times. My intention has been set & sent out to the universe. Now I must trust the right clients will find their way to me in good time. After all there are enough clients to go around everyone in this world, they will find me when they are ready.

Love K xx

p.s. Check out my ‘Healing Services’ tab at the top of this blog or from my FB page to see my full offering.

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 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

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