Don’t you just love it when everything lands on the same day? It’s like an energetic buffet today on the 8th of the 8th month of 2017. (I’m already looking forward to next year, 8/8/18!) Today at 2:10 am the Moon turned Full in Aquarius with a lunar eclipse to add to the mix. We are also in the pre-shadow of Mercury Retrograde.
How have you all been sleeping the past few nights? For once I have slept pretty well. My dreams have been quite vivid though, but my creativity has been off the scale.
Is it all change again. Nothing changes there right? We are always moving, shifting, evolving and expanding. If you always wish things to stay the same all of the time you are in for a rough ride I’m afraid. If a lot of questions have come up for to you over July, your answers may well present during this Eclipse season. Between today and New Moon & Solar Eclipse on Tuesday 22nd August, we receive assistance in carving out our new path.
In my Full Moon reflections, I have been delving deep into why things in my life have panned out the way they have. There have been some significant shifts for me. Staying open to change and working knowingly with the Universe keeps me open to all possibilities. What I may have thought would be a good fit back in February isn’t quite feeling right six months later. Not being too specific with details helps too. Many ideas have come to fruition, and they have been awesome, now it is time to grow them even wider.
For example, one intention this year for me was to focus on facilitating more Reiki training courses than last year. It is something I love doing and hosting. This intention has been fulfilled but maybe not in a way I would have first might have imagined. Firstly I was not too honed in on numbers or exact details. Somewhere in my mind I just thought that I would be hosting the first level of Reiki more often as that seemed logical. When in fact my focus has been on Level 3 this year with more Reiki Masters in training than Level 1 & 2 students. It just hasn’t aligned to teach the first two levels or felt right for me. The third level has just effortlessly fallen into place four times this year.
How brilliant! I can see now my job this year has been to bring more Masters into the world so they can then spread the Reiki love by training students themselves. Therefore my intention of ‘the year of Reiki training’ has exceeded my expectations! It certainly is the year of Reiki training, but I’m not the one doing it all by myself, I have a whole tribe now who are capable and knowledgeable to do so as well. That’s what I get for staying open to the bigger picture.
Another area of my life that has come into the spotlight is my long held desire to hold yoga and meditation retreats. I have hosted three half-day retreats this year with three more to come before the end of the year. The details of my September retreat can be found here. I can see my professional life in the yoga realm evolving substantially into something more than just weekly public classes.
To allow for the new to fit in there has to change and release to make room. I simply can’t do everything. With Reiki training, if I am not available to hold a course when I receive a training request I can now refer clients to the Masters I have trained. Others schedule changes need implementing now too, and it is time to let go of some things that aren’t quite floating my boat. Maybe not giving up entirely just reducing or paring back.
All these changes may seem like a major restructure, but I fully trust it is time and it feels good. I’m getting very excited about where I am heading now and taking leaps that could be risky. No more staying small, time to ramp it up and have a go at the bigger things.
Are you feeling the same right now? Revved up for a new challenge or life direction change. Or everything is just getting too much right now, and you just want to curl up in a ball in a dark room for a while. Either way, there is no right or wrong. When the time comes, you just have to trust your energy will return once you have rested and you will plough forward. If you are riding the creative wave roll with it. Do as much ground work as you can to get things started.
Not only is the Moon having a party today we are one week off from Mercury Retrograde, my favourite planetary cycle. We are currently in the pre-shadow period leading up to the 14th August. It’s all about clear communications this month. Above all getting honest with yourself first about how you wish your life to be over the next few months.
This all links in with everything I have mentioned above. Is it time to sit down and give yourself a pep talk? What needs to shift and be cleared to allow what is best for you to fill the gap? Are you happy with how your life is unfolding? If not dig deep and look inside of yourself to uncover the cause of what you have created. Also look right in front of you, there maybe some gold you have over looked.
There is such a magnificent energy today with numbers too. It’s the 8th of the 8th month, my favourite number. Eight is the number of abundances & the entrepreneur. Again what hot new ideas or reinventing some old ones can you action today? Use today’s energy to your best advantage. If that does mean taking it easy and resting up, please honour this.
Crystal Cleansing
Don’t forget to put your crystals out for a cleanse tonight or maybe you already had them out last night too. More moon the better!
Enjoy today’s energy upgrades and please feel free to share any experiences in the comments below.
Until next time, stay shiny, love,