It’s been six weeks since I wrote a blog post. That’s not very Blog Hearted of me is it? It’s not been a lack of inspiration holding me back either. My notebook is full of ideas & nuggets of wisdom I wish to share. It’s just been a real struggle to get these words into something readable. But you know what I’m okay with it. I fully accept the past few weeks haven’t been focused for writing.
July was huge for me. It was a real stock take month for getting back in touch with my desires for the year. The intention I set for 2014 was to ‘simplify.’ I was doing great with it until I fell off the wagon in May & June. Slipping back into old habits of over committing & sacrificing self-love. Doing too much all at once, the usual story. July saw me pull back & regain my power.
Luckily I was able to break this habit before it escalated. At the start of July I took an interstate trip to the Gold Coast. A change of space was just what I needed. Spending nearly a week immersing myself in the yoga that I love at a teacher’s development seminar.
The schedule was very high pace. We were zipping from house, to yoga class, to lunch, to lecture, to dinner, back to lecture & finally hitting the pillow well after midnight after winding down with some social time. It was wonderful! I didn’t have to think or plan. Everything was mapped out I just had to turn up at the right time & do yoga or take notes.
It felt like a ‘reset button’ had been pushed in my head. I can safely say the intense daily Bikram practice helped a lot whilst I was away. There nothing like a tough, hot sweaty two plus hours to turn off the mind, nourish the Soul & detox the body.
Going to new places away from home allows us a break from our everyday normalities. Holiday mode is awesome! No cooking, cleaning, washing or shopping. Just 100% me time to focus on something that brings me great joy. I was very blessed this trip as my dear friend & travel companion hooked us up with amazing, generous & kind hosts who made our stay such a beautiful experience. (They even washed our sweaty yoga clothes!)
Experiencing a change of space is so important too. Everywhere in the world carries a different level of frequency. This is made up of everything within the area from the people to the landscape. Forests & mountains vibrate at a different rate to say the city. Each place offers unique gifts of varying healing energy. For me being a very ‘bush’ person to be by the sea was just what I needed. It was a new bandwidth to tune into.
I returned from my week-long trip rejuvenated & freshened up. My vibration had been upgraded I could feel it. Others could too & I attracted a wave of new clients without any conscious work. My whole outlook on life had been rebooted. It could be compared to wiping the grim from my glasses & could see clearly again.
On my return I had so much to share & my enthusiasm was booming. The new knowledge I brought into my yoga classes flowed excitedly from my heart. I started planning new workshops & event ideas. Physically my body was feeling strong & happy from all the yoga. Plus I’d been eating a whole lot of good food that was readily available in Burleigh Heads. It was sheer bliss to have my juices & smoothies made for me.
From my time away I really got back in touch with how important it is to put my needs first – self-love. It’s easy to get detached from what brings us joy. When I am nourished on a Soul level & topping my cup up with activities that bring me great happiness I am better able to do my work. Yes I have a business to run so I can’t be a total lush going on expeditions every fortnight. As I mentioned above I attracted a whole lot of new business on my return. This was true from my previous holiday in April. (Read about it here, here & here) Which equates to a positive business move I feel.
To keep the chilled out holiday mood going I stepped very slowly back into my workload. There was no need to rush straight back full tilt. I felt like taking it easy & doing just the bear minimum. That is exactly what I did. Keeping the ‘retreat’ mentality alive even when back at home.
How did I do this?
Firstly I took advantage of the fact I’m self-employed & not tied to the 9 to 5 mentality. One of the reason’s I decided to work for myself was to allow for more freedom in my daily schedule. If I wished to spend the morning or afternoon not ‘working’ I could. Usual ‘weekend’ activities could take place on a Wednesday if I wished because they could. Perks of the job.
That’s just what I did! I met my other self-employed friends for lunches, coffee or walks. One afternoon instead of wasting time driving home between teaching yoga classes I went to the coast, parked up under a tree & read. Solo dining is such bliss. I don’t even need company as I’m perfectly content alone with my thoughts (or my Kindle).

Solo dining is Soul nourishing. Organic coffee, homemade cake & my Kindle. Who could complain with that?
Just a few hours here & there at random times to the norm is just like having a mini break away.
Try it! Break your usual routine & do something different at a time you usually wouldn’t. Go for your lunch break at 2pm instead of 12:30pm & walk somewhere you’ve never been. Stop off at the beach on your way home & watch the sun set. The possibilities are endless.
Let me know how you get on in the comments below! More importantly see how you ‘feel’ by branching out & having mini space changes through out the week. Has your ‘reset’ button been pushed?
Till soon, love K xx