Happy New Year! I hope you all stayed safe & well during the transition into 2014. I feel I was already living the new energy as I kept saying ‘Happy New Year’ to people during the last week of December.
As I mentioned in Tuesday’s end of year post my intention for 2014 is ‘simplicity.’ I’ve been thinking how I can implement this into my life going forward. Here are a few ideas:
- Saying less will mean more. Not over talking or going into vast detail. Straight to the point, no fluff. Allow others their space to speak & I will listen.
- Buying less. Assessing my needs before purchasing material objects. Do I really need this? How will buying this enrich my life & will it bring me longer term joy? I feel a need to cut back on ‘stuff’ that is not necessary. Mend & make do until it is really necessary to replace.
- Enjoying & embracing the simple things. Look around me & take pleasure in nature. See the world through open & fresh eyes. Find the joy that is all around by focusing on the positive in every situation.
- Be creative. How I can utilize what I already have or what is around me for pleasure, inspiration or work.
- Reduce over thinking. Be in tune with my heart & allow it to guide me. When my head gets busy, stop, breath & ask within to find the answers.
- Plan my week ahead, keeping it simple. What do I really need to focus on right now? What can wait till next week? What will bring me the most joy this week. Focus on the joy projects first.
- Trust all is how it should be. Try not to control, dominate or fight against resistance. Acknowledge the lessons & learn from them.
- Be authentic, speak, live & radiate my Soul truth. Can’t get much simpler than that!
Enjoy the opening to this new year everyone.
Big love K xxx