It feels like forever since my last blog post. I’ve totally let go of ‘blogger’s guilt’ when I don’t show up like clock work every week to post. Back in the day when I first launched this page I was blogging THREE times a WEEK. Epic. If I didn’t post to my regular schedule I would beat myself up about it that all ‘good bloggers’ turn up and post at the same time each week. These days I am so much more chilled out and let the tight restrictions I’d placed on writing disappear. I’ll be here when I can be. If I don’t get time to write or can’t muster the inspiration then I won’t force it to happen. Quality over quantity.
This week’s energetic goings on has sparked the inspiration for sure. It deserves a good talking about don’t you think? How was New Moon on Sunday/Monday? I had to check my calendar to make sure it was New and not Full. Talk about a shake up of massive proportions. Funnily enough (or not as I totally get the Universe meant this to happen) I had a typo in my Monday Mantra post, see below…
I added the last line after it was brought to my attention I’d mixed up the spelling of Pisces and pieces. Don’t you just love a typo that is a real word so the brain or spell check does not compute it? Thank you to one of my Insta followers who picked it up for me. Monday unfolded to totally fit in with the typo, it was New Moon in Pieces. The New Moon energy was smashing it up for some of us. I was just knackered (British term for very tired). After a bad sleep and waking up far too early the day was fuzzy before it even started. A total go slow day as the tank was pretty much empty. I just had to take it in my stride and trust as I went through the next wave of up-leveling.
From what I observed for many people this week life went to pieces. In a very positive way though & needed to happen. I received two visions whilst writing this. The first of a concrete statue being smashed apart to reveal a vibrantly alive human underneath. The second of a china piggy bank broken into pieces with gold coins spilling out. My take on these is we’ve demolished another layer of being that has been quite solid previously. We’ve been slowly chipping away at it and now it’s finally cracked open to show us shiny treasures underneath. It does seem sad that something that could have been of value or sentiment has been destroyed but what lies beneath is of greater value. It will assist us more in the bigger picture.
Finally things have started to shift and move into place. Any residue that was carried over from last year is being cleared away for good. Even if some were not ready to go forward or had been holding back the push to get moving came anyway. (Because the universe knows we are up for the challenge & capable) I’ve felt that some of us wanted the layer to be penetrated but weren’t quite expecting it to happen so soon. This was quite a confronting experience from what I perceived from the wings.
I read somewhere this week life is like being in a fish bowl at present. Everything seems magnified. Small things are amplified to greater proportions that could be overwhelming at first. It’s very in our faces.
This week’s New Moon wasn’t going to allow us to keep regurgitating old ways or comfortable intentions. It’s new for a reason. Time for something fresh and in alignment to who we are today. As the old parts shattered into pieces at our feet we can now create something even more beautiful to replace it.
My biggest step up this cycle is I’ve launched a brand new in person yoga event. (If you’re Perth have a look here.) It’s been something I’ve been working towards for years! My big dream map always had hosting retreats at the top level because I so much enjoy attending them myself. I put my offering out there, stayed open and trusted. It’s happening, game on, everything is in place and locked in. I’ve been mind blown by the response. (Thank you to everyone who has booked in for the support xx) It was like dropping a tiny pebble in the ocean and causing a massive wave. Super grateful.
The universal energy is powerful at the moment. Don’t miss out on it, get on the wave & make your dreams a reality. When we are in alignment by taking action, walking our talk, not just saying you’re going to do stuff but actually doing it, then the results have the potential to be incredible. I’m seeing and living this for myself. There’s nothing special in what I’m doing or any inside secrets apart from showing up and trying. If there is a new avenue you wish to pursue book yourself a course to learn how or talk to people doing similar things themselves.
You need to be clear though. Do the groundwork and put in the effort. Nothing is ever just handed over. What do you wish to create? Hone it to the exact detail then surrender. The Universe will do the rest and be open to all possibilities. If the details are wispy and fluffy then the Universe may well hand over some surprises as it figures out what you really desire. Even when you are super focused things may not present exactly as you thought – this is the staying open part. If the foundations are solid you can roll with the plan changes gracefully. A direction switch may well be of much stronger value to you. Don’t just stand there smashing your head against a wall, look around for a window then smash through that instead!

Storms clear the air, shifts density & creates space.
If you’ve gone through the ringer this week trust it’s all for your own good and progression. Those who read my work often know I’m a huge fan of reflection. What is there to be learned and gained from every experience? On the other side of rough there is smooth. Dark cannot exist without light so allow the shadows to come up and out. It’s a huge sign that you are doing freaking awesome when the dark comes up for release. If you were standing still getting stale and dull the challenges would not be coming up. Instead you’d just plod along as your light and spirit slowly faded until something mega huge came along to kick-start you into action. This is not a good option! The smaller shake ups on the way are much easier to deal with than a great big hurricane size issue.
If you are in WA what an incredible storm we experienced on Wednesday (1st March) night. Talk about a clear out. It seemed very symbolic to have such a big ass storm sweep through. I hardly slept as the thunder felt like an earth quake and the lightning lit up the sky like fire works. Thursday morning definitely felt more calm and still.
Where too now?
It’s been a big week and if you’re body is feeling a bit broken physically don’t push though. Take a rest. I took a nice long salt bath and kicked back with my chic lit romance novel on Wednesday night so blissed out, then the storm happened.
Remember as we are changing so too will our daily routines. What lit you up last week and made you feel amazing might have the opposite effect this week. It’s totally fine to be hating on your usual exercise/yoga class or morning routine. What a perfect time to try a different class or morning ritual. Every day I use different blends of essential oils, crystals & meditations. No two days are the same. It’s super healthy to have variety. See what happens when you mix it up. Just ask yourself: “what do I need for today to be at my best? Thank you”
The theme coming through is ‘take it easy.’ We are being pushed enough to get on task. When we aren’t ‘working’ chill the heck out!
Over to you…
If this week has been crazier than the freeway at 8am for you please feel free to share in the comments below or over on FB. You are not alone and opening up may well assist someone else going through something similar. I always hope to create a safe healing space for everyone who drops by.
Till soon.
Love as always,