It’s been two weeks now since the power packed Super Full Moon and today (Tuesday 29th November) we welcome in the New Moon in Sagittarius (8:18pm WA time).
How did you find the Super Full Moon? For me it was big and the effects lasted well over the usual three days. Talk about tired, yet unable to sleep. Life moved in slow motion which looking back is just what I needed. A few days to just be and give myself room to adjust to this next upgrade.
All last week I have been reflecting on how I experienced the Super Full Moon. What started off as a quick FB post morphed into an essay. The words just flooded out which were way too much for a FB post. To truly honour the energy behind my musings a blog was the only way forward.
This post has taken a good twelve days in writing progress in order to completely form. I fully trust now is the time to share it. Sometimes with posts I miss the ‘energetic window’ and posts don’t feel relevant anymore. Instead they get filed as a personal journal. Even though we are starting a new moon cycle today the reviewing of the previous cycle is still important. It can help lay the foundations as to where to focus next.
In my reflections the Super Full Moon saw shadows rise to the surface, tests present and I was called to step up my game where I feel I slipped off path. The tests were not subtle either. They were ‘bam’ smacked right in my face. Then I was asked “how will you handle it this time?” It was so quick, I had to think of my feet and be 100% heart connected to make positive moves. There was no time to say “not this again” I had to take action immediately. The universe was making sure I got back on track and wished me to acknowledge that I strayed. I knew I had wobbled as my inner gut feeling was churning which made it easier to switch back direction.
My biggest realization from this moon brought awareness to how I express my energy. All year I have been mindful of the people I surround and share space with. I’ve realized I don’t need to be everything to everybody and spread myself thin to please others. (A old pattern from my over giving days) I’m lucky to have a solid set of close friends who ‘get me’ and don’t zap my resources. The energy vampires that used to hang around have quietly moved on since I stopped giving. It may seem to some people I have fallen off the radar a bit. I’ve still been around doing what I do but quietly in the background.
When a situation arises that instantly sets my energy alarms off, ‘this could be draining or a I’m being taken too far out my way to accommodate others’ I take a step back and consider the options. Politely declining or suggesting a few changes so that I won’t feel over stretched has worked well. There were times my schedule became over whelming. Opportunities I had manifested were now a reality. (Thank you <3!) I knew I wouldn’t energetically be in my best place to serve if I didn’t make a change and become adaptable. Shifting a few things around and spreading the load over two weeks was a simple and effective move. Thus allowing me time to recharge so I can be at my best all round.
Oracle Card from The Little Sage.
Loving people from afar has worked a treat too. I don’t want to put up boundaries or cut people off completely, just step back from the physical connections for a while. Etherically sending good vibes and kind thoughts is just as strong as physically being present. Big crowds and groups are too intense for me right at present. When I make the call to not attend in person I can still be there energetically without actually being there.
Another theme that has been strong over the past few weeks is creating our own opportunities. I’m a huge believer in this. If there is something I am interested in I will go out of my way and find out about it. When people seek out my advice about the things I love and participate in then I freely share. If someone has gone out his or her way to use me as a knowledge bank that is awesome and I’ll happily assist. It lights me up to be able to assist.
In the past I have been known to ‘over shared’ or even force things on others whom may not have been ready or interested. “Hey I saw this and thought of you.” Most of the time I’d receive a nice thank you. However sometimes my nice gesture was thrown back at me with malice then I’d get upset. I’ve since learned what I perceive as freaking awesome may be someone’s idea of a nightmare or waste of money. There is a fine line for personal recommendations. Therefore I shouldn’t be offended if my sharing wasn’t met with love, just accept we all have different tastes.
I can’t help myself sometimes though, especially when I get really excited about something I just want to tell the world!
Another reason I used to share everything came from a fear of being attacked from other people’s FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). I’d hear:
“Why haven’t your shared this with everyone?”
“How come I’m the last to hear about this?”
Polar opposite of the above hey? Attacked for sharing and attacked for not sharing. No win right! My sharing patterns of old were all coming from a place a fear. For sure love was present, especially in the first scenario but when fear was driving the bus it just didn’t flow. It didn’t feel right. This is probably why when I did share en-mass from fear of attack it mostly fell on deaf ears and no one came on board.
Over time I’ve realised those who wish to learn from me will seek me out independently and they do. We all need to carve our own paths and not just except it all to be handed over on a plate whilst someone else does all the hard work. This is called self-responsibility. I don’t need to expel my energy or resources’ making sure everyone is in the loop leaving myself drained and time short. This is being responsible and accountable for my own energy.
New Moon Intentions
With tonight’s New Moon I will be setting an intention around all the themes that have arisen from my Super Full Moon reflections.
- Ensuring my actions are backed with love and not fear. Without fear I have freedom and with freedom I flow.
- Trusting my intuition when something doesn’t feel right that may be draining rather than enriching for my energy.
- Be the leader in my own life and take self-responsibility.
- Wind down and slow down. With the holidays around the corner I give myself full permission to take a break to rest and relax.
Have a wonderful New Moon this evening and use this powerful universal energy to make things happen.
With love,