Today we start the pre-shadow period for the third Mercury Retrograde of this year. (10th to 29th August 2016) I’ve always enjoyed Mercury Retrograde; I was born during one, which may explain why I’m naturally drawn to this cycle. I see it as a positive time where we get an extra helping hand to stand in our power.
Who’s ready for an upgrade?
Mercury Retro is the perfect opportunity for healing old wounds so we can make peace and move onto brighter and higher things in our life. We are given a helping hand during retro to achieve greater expansion. Over the next three weeks we will be receiving guidance that will form the basis for our retrograde theme. Our personal theme highlights what we need to be working on right now. This will assist us to bring closure where needed and leave us feeling empowered by the bold steps we have taken.
Pay close attention to any old situations or issues that start to show up again for you. Random people from your past may suddenly start to appear. They may bring messages or learning for you. This is all good as the past presents when we are ready to progress. You are stronger now than ever before. If a certain person effected you in the past they may not have the same hold over you this time round.
Anything that starts to become ‘recurring’ is a hint to what your theme will be come August 31st.
Journaling is a very useful tool in this process. Take notes no matter how small during the coming weeks. These will all accumulate to assist you in forming your theme. It’s always exciting once a theme comes together. Sometimes it’s not obvious at first then once you figure it out the ‘ah ha’ moment can be huge.
Communications come under the spotlight during Mercury retro. Reviewing how you communicate verbally and non-verbally can be useful as well whilst you are creating your theme. Keeping your throat chakra in good health is important.
Wearing blue scarfs or clothes can enhance communications channels.
Working with, wearing or holding crystals are excellent for the throat chakra. My favourite throat chakra crystals are blue lace agate, blue apatite and sodalite.
Essential oils such as peppermint, spearmint, chamomile, sandalwood, sweet orange and basil are great to diffuse or massage with carrier oil onto your neck and throat. ‘Truth’ from Sacred Self is extremely healing alchemical oil for the throat chakra and my go to oil when I need to “express my truth with love.”
Once your theme is formed write it down and set an intention. Keep it close at hand to remind you once Mercury goes Retrograde on August 30th what to look out for. When situations arise linked to your theme it will be you chance to tackle them differently from before. Having the awareness of what you are being asked to work on will assist you greatly. I love this! When things come up related to my theme I get a buzz out of the challenge that I’m going to master it this time around.
Some people may not enjoy these periods and find them rough going. If you fight against the natural flow it can be exhausting. You might not feel ready to tackle what is coming up for healing. This can be tough especially if the emotions are still raw and open. Being aware that the retro energy is there to help us grow and live in our mastery makes it a little smoother. Challenges are tough even if you are ready for them.
It can get emotional when we are working on our stuff. This is natural. Acknowledge that what is coming up and out is all for your greater good. Holding onto stuff and pushing it down will cause a bigger build up to deal with later down the track. Let it all be free now.
To help make the retro ride smoother here are some tips:
Meditate – Stillness, deep focused breathing and quiet time to connect with your heart brings a deep sense of relaxation. When we are relaxed and calm our guidance is clearer to see, hear and/or feel. Set aside some time every morning for meditation. Create a beautiful space to retreat too that is just for you.
Hydrate – Water is essential for optimum health on all levels. It helps flush out toxins as well as conducts energy through our bodies. During retro our throat chakras are working in over drive. Drinking plenty of fresh filtered water keeps our throat chakras in good health physically and energetically.
Sleep – We all know how good it feels to get quality rest. Make sure you are sleeping at least seven hours a night. August will feel busy so it is essential to carve out the time to recharge and repair by getting your sleep in. You may naturally be feeling extra tired during the eclipse season so honour this and take life slowly.
Eat well – When we feel tired and emotional it’s easy to reach for the caffeine and sugar. Instead nourish yourself naturally with good quality vegetables and ‘alive’ foods. Grounding foods such as root vegetables (sweet potato are my favourites) are excellent to keep you centred. They are great winter food too if you are in the Southern Hemisphere.
Exercise – Keep moving. Get your endorphin rush daily. It can be as simple as going for a walk each morning. I always feel so much better when I’ve done my yoga practice stretching and compressing my body from the inside out. Exercise helps you to sleep better as well. Again especially in high vibe times exercise shifts old energy out and makes room for the new.
Back up technology – Mercury just loves to play with all our communications devices. Make sure you have backed up your computers, phones and tablets etc. Be prepared for some technology related issues. Usually when this happens I take it as a hint to go off the grid for a while and have a tech detox. Even just for an hour or so.
Above all ENJOY the next two months. There is great opportunity for growth and expansion by creating new ways of living that will be more in tune with our Soul’s calling.
With love ,
Journal photo credit: <a href=””>Designed by Freepik</a>