Writing brings me such joy. It’s my outlet for creative expression as well as a way of processing & understanding what is going on in my life. Two years ago I was writing blog posts at least four days a week, now I struggle to get one out a month. Acknowledged I need to make more time for my passions. However as I’ve learned with creative pursuits sometimes it’s darn tricky to get the juices flowing. Especially on the days I have so much time to write the words just don’t come.
This happened to me on Friday night. A whole evening to myself & I had writers block. I’d started a post earlier in the week but on reading back the first draft it all felt wrong. It was struggle town to edit & remold what I’d started. Stepping away from the computer keyboard I hit the couch & just lay there reading.
That’s when the magic started to happen. I grabbed my notebook & pen & just started to write, freely & intuitively. Here’s the result a jumble, mismatch of creativity, simple, raw & ‘different.’ Truly being in the moment & tuning into my awareness. Could this be a new way of writing? Or an experiment in surrendering, letting go & seeing what happens…
A walk in my thoughts
Rain falling on the tin roof. Soothing pitter-patter of nature drop by drop.
The smell of patchouli incense mixed with the healthful food cooking in the oven.
Sipping sparkling water.
Easing a sore shoulder with a warming wheat pack.
Reviewing the day – smile – gratitude.
A solo yoga class all by myself, for myself. Pleasure, joy & stillness.
Connecting with like-minded people. Time with friends.
Parcel in the post a welcome surprise.
The warm glow of the salt lamp.
Looking for a deep & meaningful angle to write about. Overthinking – the curse of the creative mind. Grabbing a notebook & letting it flow. Freely with ease.
More automatic writing. Channeling messages in words.
{Idea sparked} Excitement.
Inspiration, new ideas, where to go & what to do next with it.
Learning to sit still & do nothing – stillness brings inner knowing outward.
Read a book, leaf through a magazine. Being human, not constantly searching but still experiencing.
Hot tea & cold chocolate.
Crisp clean sheet & a deep sinking pillow. Rest.
There it is, a spew of words on a page (Grammar check was having a ball!). A record of being fully present in the moment. This post was quick, to the point & hardly needed any editing. I’m not sure what this means completely but I have a few ideas of where to go from here.