It does not seem like two weeks since the New Moon and Solar Eclipse, fourteen days has flown by don’t you think? Today at 3:02 pm WA time the Moon will be full in Pisces. I have a float tank session booked for the hour before, so I can wallow in some me time and soak up the healing salts. Nothing works better for grounding and balancing for me than being in or around salt water.
Reflecting back on August I just loved it! What a month, everything seemed to flow and align effortlessly. My creativity was off the scale compared to previous months. I had lot’s of fresh ideas come through for processing. The big take home from all of this is that some older projects and ideas that hadn’t quite made it to completion were ready to be put away for good. They no longer resonated with where I am at now. There is no point pushing on with something when the energy isn’t behind it. I learned a lot on the way, and some parts of the work I’d started can blend into my new endeavours.
The message here is it is okay to change your mind. My goodness the person I was four years ago would have scoffed at what I am up to now. She would be having no part of it. “Teaching 60-minute hot yoga, you have to be kidding me!” she would have yelled. “Yin Yoga, that’s just flopping around on a cushion for an hour it does nothing,” oh how I have evolved. Who knows what future me will say to me today 😉
Today’s Full Moon is showing us what is no longer in alignment with our life right now. When things become a struggle, an effort and joyless it’s time to change direction. Your new dreams may still be in the same sphere or realm just with a different take. For example I re-trained in a different yoga style. It is still yoga, and I still work at the same studios, but my offering has expanded. Many more doors have opened up for me since doing so.
I made a decision earlier this year to no longer take on new design clients. There are a couple of long standing clients I still enjoy working with, but I’d rather invest my creativity in my marketing now. There just isn’t enough space for me to serve the jobs properly whilst most importantly having room to serve myself. Working for others takes time away from my own projects. It does not mean I have quit designing altogether; it’s just changed direction.
This change of yoga style has brought me closer to a huge dream I had a long time ago. At the time I wasn’t quite there yet to pull it off completely. It would have involved bringing in outside facilitators to run the show. I’d just be a coordinator. With a few more years of growth and discovery under my belt, my vision is starting to come forward again. I am more than capable of running the idea fully myself with a little bit of support. Watch this space, there more will be a reveal in the next few months.
Is there anything you can set free today than is no longer feeling right for you?
Have your dreams evolved and moved on since the start of the year?
This year has been huge for change and fresh starts. Be at peace with this; try not to fight against the movement. Don’t wait for a pivotal time of the year to start new projects. Start when you feel the spark. It is the best time as there is such power behind it. Take time to explore where you are at now and where you can make some shifts. These can be grand or quite small.
Just remember to keep your dreams sacred to you to start with. If you share too early other people may knock you down and dissuade you. Set them solidly in your heart first; give them firm roots so when it is time to share you won’t get pushed over. I just love having secret projects on the cook behind the scenes.
Crystal Cleansing
Don’t forget to put your crystals out for a cleanse and clear tonight. The Moon is the perfect time to clean your crystals from any stale or old energy. They get bogged down too if they are working hard. It’s okay if they are not in the direct moonlight, on a windowsill or porch is just as good. Remember it is all in the intention.
Enjoy the moon energy today. It does feel lighter and brighter now the eclipse season has passed. Also Mercury is now direct! Even more perfect for taking your plans to the next level and get things moving after three weeks of clear communications.
Until next time, love,