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Love Notes

Getting into work at the yoga studio at 5am is a pretty unsociable hour. Especially in winter when it’s freezing cold, raining and foggy. I love my job but sometimes it’s so hard to drag yourself out in such conditions.

Twice this week I’ve arrived at reception to love notes like these from my dear friends and fellow teachers. Instant joy! Blessings to be surrounded by such good people. We are like ships in the night as I work the late or early shifts but doesn’t mean we are any less friendly. These are being pasted into my journal for anytime I need a happy pick me up!

Small tokens of love really can brighten someone’s day. Is there someone in your life you like to leave notes for? Never left a note before? Give it a go today!

Love Seren xx

Seren Love Notes

Dreams can come true

Dreams can come true. My dream is coming true right before my eyes. It’s been developing for a while & now I’m living it everyday. The funny thing is I didn’t realize at first that I was.

I’ve written a few times about my work as a healer. What started out as an interest so I could learn how to heal myself & understand energy has turned into a real life business opportunity. Twelve months ago yesterday when I set out on this journey of self-discovery my brief was “to work in an area I love & get paid for it.” This is now a reality. I love conducting healing sessions and following up with clients when they need to chat off the table. It does not feel like work, it is not a chore or a hassle. This is because healing is my Soul’s purpose in this life. (Whole new post coming on unearthing that discovery!) I’m working from home & getting paid for it. I am my own boss taking full responsibility for everything involved.

Wow I have my own real life business! I still can’t really believe it. I have a brand name, graphic style, ABN and all the trimmings! I was so excited blitzing Officeworks for cash receipt books, an appointment diary, stationery & folders to start out the new tax year officially. I have paperwork too to keep on top of; client registration and record forms. The first time I sent out a PayPal invoice and had it paid was so exciting. I even figured out how to put my logo on there.

I can’t really say there is a magic secret to getting what you truly desire, apart from setting your intention and working really hard to make it happen. It does take time and it can be challenging. I have learned you just have to go out there and make things happen for yourself no one will just hand things over on a plate. It’s no good being jealous of those who ‘have it all’ go out there and get it all for yourself too. It’s YOU who needs to take control of your life. (Side note: I’ve been channeling a lot of Archangel Michael’s energy of late which makes me very blunt & to the point in the most caring, heart felt way of course :-))

One big thing that has stood out in the process of developing my own business is this. Once I surrendered my control to the universe and let things develop organically everything just came together effortlessly. In the past I tended to push too hard at times, always focusing on the end result, forcing the path to fit into my ‘ideal.’ Once I ditched my ‘ideal’ and let things flow naturally I have even more than what I could have dreamed of when I started out. Regular weekly clients, a healing room and my own brand.  Now this is all in place I am slowly coming back to the original idea I had for my brief.

My first burst of inspiration came in around September last year. I thought it would be a great idea to run my own holistic retreats. I’ve been on a few wellness and yoga retreats myself and loved every minute. How nice would it be to facilitate my own? Design a retreat I would like to go on. Back when this idea first sparked I’d planned on hiring other people to give talks, conduct healings, lead yoga & meditation classes.

I made the mistake (or learning curve step) of sharing my idea too quickly. Wanting to get other people involved to bounce ideas off. My own fear of not being qualified or experienced enough to lead a workshop made me turn to other people. The other people were soon squashing my vision, telling me this won’t work or that won’t work blah, blah and blah. I was looking into venue hire because ‘the others’ were telling me it had to be central, near a beach, have parking and a good coffee shop near by. I listened; I took on board what they were saying and then binned the whole thing.

Something deep down didn’t quite fit for me with this idea of bringing ‘others’ in on it. Yes I will need helpers but not people who wanted to take away my control. It was my baby; I wanted to be a full time mother. If this is going to work I need to be leading it 100% to make it authentic to my vision and Soul.

Now many months on I’ve  realised I do have the skills and knowing to make this original idea a reality all by myself. It’s what I love doing most teaching people and sharing what I’ve learned. All in a hope they will find something of interest to improve their own life even just a little bit & then pass it onto their friends. To create a space to share and talk about my passion of energy healing, health and wellbeing is a dream I want to make a reality.

I’ve been really busy brain-storming in my journal. Scribbling ideas and notes of my new retreat/workshop vision. I don’t want to abort it like last time so I’m keeping quiet for now. I will share one thing though. I figured out the venue dilemma. I will be using my own house. I have the perfect setting as I live on a 120-acre rural property. This was right under my nose the whole time but I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. I have some friends and family who are excellent chefs so why not offer a homemade lunch straight out of our veggie patch? I can see it now a group of like-minded people sitting in the shade of one of our many trees, surrounded by nature, animals & light sharing the love of the universe.

Watch this space there are exciting times ahead I feel…

“Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” ~ Farrah Gray

Love Seren xx

Seren Business bits

One Year Today

It’s been exactly one year ago to this date I started my journey that has lead me to be where & whom I am today. It’s been one year since I started the 12 week Advanced Mentoring Program with Elizabeth Peru. This course of study I can not praise enough as it really did change my life. Read this post for more details.

A year on I can not believe how much I have changed for the better. My brief for the program was met beyond my expectations. (I’ll talk more about that in tomorrow’s post) I have discovered why I am here & what my life purpose is. Everybody is so different. I can not guarantee you the same success I achieved by working with Elizabeth. I can say if you put in the effort & truly want to embrace a change in your life in the right direction lead by your Soul you may get the results you are aiming for.

It’s not just twelve weeks, finish it and then stop. The Advanced Mentoring sets you up with life skills you can live every day for the rest of your life. The course material is there for you any time you need it. I was referring to it just the other day. As we grow & expand things will take on a different meaning. Reading back my notes I could see how far I have come and how much ‘I get it now.’

I am so grateful for Elizabeth’s guidance & support over the past year. Despite completing the full Merit Mastery program now I know this is not the end of the relationship. I am out there on my own, I actually always have been as it’s me doing the work for myself. I have gained the skills to figure things out for myself more quickly and with less need for reassurance from others. I can see though as I develop further on my path I may well still need to check in from time to time for some clarity from my mentor. We never stop learning. Even if my sessions become more of a chat to share what I’m up to from a feedback for the program point of view then that’s how it shall be.

I wish all the July 29th new mentees well on their new journey. Enjoy the ride, I loved it!


Seren xx

Oracle Cards – My Three-Card Spread

It’s a Saturday morning as I write this. I awoke earlier than my planned alarm feeling rested, at peace & ready for a two full days of self-love activities. It amazes me that my body knows just what it needs and isn’t afraid to tell me. I went to bed with the intention of getting a full nights sleep & I got just that.

Getting up earlier than I thought meant I can take my time with my morning routine. I did a full twenty minutes of oil pulling, lit my candles and now I’m drinking my favourite tea. Sitting with the heater on full blast is lovely because no one else is around to complain, “it’s too hot.” I’ve had a few minutes on social media to say ‘hi.’ Lastly I reviewed my week, checked back in my journal & given thanks to the universe for helping me become who I am today. Setting my day up the right way.

Now I’m in a happy space, content, warm and focused. It’s time to pull a three-card spread from my Angel Therapy cards. I introduced you briefly to oracle cards in this post. Today I felt like a good scry 😉 When you work knowingly with the universe it’s amazing how well things flow.  It just makes sense. My cards today are evidence of that. A huge smile spread my face as my question was answered.

A three-card spread works like this. You set your intent, I ask a question out load or in my head. Whilst I think of this question I shuffle the cards. I then get a knowing or I’m told to ‘stop.’ I then pull the top three cards from the pack. The first card you pull goes face up on the left. This is related to your immediate past of the question you asked. The middle card is the present, what you need to know right now. The final card goes to the right. This is the immediate future if you follow the guidance of the middle card on your currant path.

Here’s what I pulled today:

Seren 3 Card Spread

Left: Fairies – You have a strong bond with the fairies, and you life purpose involves helping Mother Nature.

Middle: Heart Chakra – The answer you seek is in your heart right now. Be open to giving and receiving love.

Right: Listen to Your Intuitive Feelings – Your body is receiving accurate messages from the divine.

This selection really resonated with the question I asked. Everything I have learned over the past year on my spiritual journey has taught me to ‘follow my heart.’ Gut instincts are more powerful than we realise. It’s a process, it takes time to shuffle through and get rid of the crap that holds you back. Crap which is usually fear based. The beauty is I will never stop learning, the crap will keep coming up but hopefully over time I will sift through it quicker.

Only the previous day I had a session with my mentor. My cards today fitted in so perfectly with what we went through. The most poignant advice being “Don’t assume you are immediately wrong.” If someone challenges me great but I shouldn’t give into the resistance of self-doubt and instantly think I am wrong. There is no wrong. Everyone is right in his or her own way. The middle and right cards cements this for me. If I follow my heart, trust and listen to my intuitive feelings I’m doing the right thing for me. Just as if anyone follows their own heart it is right for them.

We all receive divine messages. Whether we realise it or understand them is another matter. The explanation from the guidebook for the third card says this, “most of these messages come through in your physical and emotional senses, as your body is extremely sensitive to subtle energies. Sometimes you may not understand your feelings, yet they have accurate, underlying wisdom.”  Doreen Virtue – Angle Therapy Oracle Cards 2006.

The lifestyle I have adopted over the past nine months has really helped me be in tune with my physical body and my intuition. Practicing everyday and tuning into the invisible has helped accelerate my understanding. I can tell when a message is for me or whether it is related to my clients. There is a difference with how I ‘feel’ or ‘hear’ these messages. Trusting in these messages is HUGE part. Once you let go of any ego driven thought and just go with it, the answers speak for themselves. I’m learning everyday & I’m always so hungry for new knowledge I thrive from this.

Onwards and upwards I go. I am living the best possible life for ‘me’ right now. This is what I shall honour and give daily gratitude for. It is hard to keep out of the drama of everyday life. Through my healing work I’m discerning when it is appropriate to get involved and when I should just keep quiet. It’s getting easier, slowly.

My mantra: Discernment, discernment and discernment.

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