Hello there! I’ve been dropping some hints over the past few weeks to a grand ‘big reveal.’ Today is the day. My apologies go out to those who know me personally for not getting told this news sooner or personally.
What I’m about to share is a huge move for me, probably one of the biggest decisions I’ve made thus far. Believe me I wanted to shout it from the rooftops the moment I decided. Somewhere inside, after everything I’ve learned I just wanted to keep it to myself, let it be sacred, special, unique, my own. I needed to let the idea sit first to make sure I was comfortable with my choice. If I shared too soon chances are I would certainly meet some resistance that may sway me to change my mind.
I love an analogy I heard recently about comparing my situation to a brick wall. You build the wall with bricks and mortar. Before the wall is solid and strong you have to wait a while. Allow the mortar to dry & the bricks to settle into position before it is stable & supportive. This is just what I did. I am settled, strong and standing firm.
Oh okay already what is my news? I quit my day job. After working nearly four years at the same place I walked out of the door on Friday no longer an employee. It was emotional, I am so grateful for the past few years & a role I’ve learned so much in. It was super hard walking away from a team I truly love & who feel like family. It’s a heck of a lot easier to leave somewhere you don’t like!
Why did I leave if I liked it so much? I needed to create the life I love. Doing what I love everyday and making a living from it. That was my brief fifteen months ago when I started down my spiritual path. Now that dream has manifested into the opportunity I have now.
What am I going to do then? Basically I’m going to be pretty much doing what I have been doing for the past two years apart from I will be in control. I am now officially my own boss, as of yesterday, day one. I will be teaching yoga on a full time roster, seeing more healing clients and freelance designing from my home office. Of course I’ll be blogging. All this will be done under my trading name Seren Holistic Lifestyles. Growing the Seren brand will be a big exciting project in itself. I even have a business coach to help guide me along the slightly scary path of ‘business owner.’ I shall master Excel spreadsheets.
How did I come to make such a massive life overhaul? For many months I was trying to create space so I could see more healing clients, doing the work my Soul loves to do. I kept asking my inner guidance for the answer. All I got was ‘wait’ or firm ‘no’s’ when I suggested something ‘I thought’ I should give up to make room.
You see I was trying to control the situation & not hand over to the powers that know best. When you surrender to the universe you have to trust the answer will present in due course. Most of the time it’s not what you thought it would be. I asked for space to create a life I would love to live. At first I thought it meant dropping off a yoga class a week. Then I wouldn’t be so tired in my day job & I’d have more energy on weekends for clients. That wasn’t the answer. Teaching is a huge part of why I’m here and the perfect complimentary modality to my energy practice. Finally I did what I was told and ‘waited.’ Sat back, was patient and then the answer came through.
It seems so obvious now that the 9 to 5 city job had to go. I’d not been happy with the lack of creative work for a while. Sitting it out waiting on other people to bring in the clients and some decent work. What I should have been doing & what I am doing now is attracting clients I wish to work for from industries aligned with who I am. The messages were calling out from the start I just wasn’t connecting with them.
Why wasn’t I receiving the messages? Fear was holding me back. My city job was secure, a regular wage every week and paid holidays. Why would I give that up to be self-employed with a bucket load of risks? It is time to get uncomfortable. Change is needed. The fear and risks of self-employment shall empower me to get things done, work hard and achieve my goals. I need this. I also reminded myself I travelled the world for a whole year living off my savings & not getting paid. Since then I’ve taken many unpaid leaves & never hit any problems. I had just forgotten. I’ve done it before I can do it again.
Once the penny dropped I could very much hear the celestial choir singing out. Oh how obvious it is now. Work for myself, set my own goals, have the freedom to do as I wish on my terms. Have 100% responsibility for my own life.
I am happy. I am well supported. I’m stepping up to the greatest adventure yet and I’m ready for it.
There you go! I’m sure I’ll still be as busy as ever if not more but I’m now officially living a life I love.
Who’s gonna join me?
Love K xx