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Hair Donation

I’ve been a bit behind in my social media admin of late. Unless a story is at the top of my newsfeed it will probably go over looked. One story however leapt of the page last week. An old school friend has spent the last two and a half years growing her hair to donate to charity. The photos said it all. There she was sporting a super new, very stylish short cut whilst holding two bunches of hair, 50cm of hair no less! The hair will be sent off to the Little Princess Trust who will turn the real human hair into wigs for children who have lost their hair through cancer treatment or illness. All free of charge.

I do love a good real life story and one that involves acts of kindness for others. Especially when my friends are at the helm of the big-heartedness. Emma’s personal experience of her own hair loss through stress-induced alopecia inspired her to help those with more severe hair loss.  Here’s Emma story:

“Having seen friends loose their hair through the different stages of cancer treatment, and seeing how loosing their hair had a massive impact it had upon them and how they felt, I have been growing my hair for the last 2.5 years in order to be able to donate my hair to create real hair wigs for those who have lost their own hair through illness. 

I lost a small patch of hair myself through alopecia a few years ago, but managed to cover it up by permanently wearing my hair up in a ponytail. I was so self-conscious about it, and it really knocked my confidence in so many aspects of my life until it grew back (very slowly).  I was lucky, my alopecia was caused by stress (doing a Masters, moving house, starting a new job, relocating and planning a wedding was quite stressful), and i have been lucky enough not to suffer it since. 

Others aren’t as lucky as me, which I why (before I go completely grey!) I decided to do my bit to support those who have no choice and need a helping hand (or hair!).  My hair is now 20 inches long, and on Thursday 18th April 2013 it will be cut short to provide the maximum amount of hair donation I can achieve.  If you know YOU couldn’t do this yourself, then please donate to support me doing it.”

Emma’s fundraising page has already reached above & beyond her original target of £50. At the time of publishing she’d raised £746.50!! If you would like to donate to Emma’s fundraising page hit this link, your donation is kindly appreciated thank you.

Love Seren xx

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Fabulous Food

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©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

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Fitness Focus – Ballet Conditioning Class

It’s good to get out of your comfort zone in the exercise realm from time to time. Mix it up, use new muscles and try new things. That is exactly why I signed up for a Ballet Conditioning class.

I went through a phase at the end of 2012 to try a new form of exercise each month. It went very well. I did a beginners course in pole dancing & had a go at a few classes of Xtend Barre. Both as you can see involved dance moves. Both challenged me mentally & physically. It was great to mix with new people & try new things. Christmas and New Year crept in and I fell back into my usual routine of yoga, yoga & more yoga.

I am a closet ballet fan ‘Bunheads’ & ‘Breaking Pointe’ all commands my attention. I loved ‘Black Swan’ & I’m keen to see the ‘First Position’ movie. Swan Lake is coming to town soon too! There is something so powerful and elegant about ballet, I find it fascinating. When the invite to join a Ballet Conditioning class appeared in my inbox I just knew it was time to give it a go. Added bonus I knew the instructor taking the class from yoga so decided it would be a good roll reversal.

I didn’t know what to except when I turned up at the ballet studio in North Fremantle for the 90-minute class. I was dressed in yoga wear and had brought my socks as recommended. Our instructor (who is also a physiotherapist) ran use through the different ballet positions to start with, first to fifth. There was a real focus on the muscles and how to rotate from the hip correctly when doing a turn out which we learned by sitting on the floor.

The class was great fun. We ran through sequences of port de bras to different tempos and then to music. Getting my arms and feet to coordinate was certainly a challenge when plies were introduced. The best part came when we galloped down the studio performing these jump hop moves (Temps leve in arabesque I think?) I was pretty hopeless. It took at least three goes to get it down then it was onto pirouettes. Then I felt like a ballerina. A rather clumsy one yes!

We covered a lot of moves during the class. Our teacher was so helpful with tips and tricks to help our balance as well as a big focus on correct alignment from the start. Every move was explained thoroughly even using the French ballet terms. It certainly was a great workout too. My calves were feeling it from all the relevés & my hamstrings from wrapping them around my femur bone.

I’d definitely go along again, the challenge was great for both my body & my mind. Ballet is a good compliment to my yoga practice too; learning from a physio gave me an added bonus of an anatomy lesson!

For anyone in Perth who’s interested the next Ballet Conditioning class hosted by Yoga Grooves will be held on Saturday 17th July. Check out the info on Facebook or contact Jo for more info and to book:

Love Seren xx

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Travelling to a change of space

Who likes to travel? Me! That’s who. I love it I thrive from mixing with different people, cultures and seeing things ‘outside of my box.’  My over seas travel journey started late. I didn’t leave my home country of England till I was nineteen. At twenty-four I took off on a one year around the world adventure. Most of my friends had already done ‘gap years’ between high school and university so to do gap year at twenty-four could be seen as late.

Travel sabbaticals later in life are very popular now especially if you have long service leave to cash in. I like having the financial stability behind me now to not have to be super budget when I’m on the road. Yes I’ve done the hostel thing and eaten cold beans out the can for dinner so I’m not 100% posh packer. I like variety so it’s great for me to go 5 star one trip then pull back to budget the next depending on where I’m going.

My favourite part of travel is the change space I receive. If you’ve read my posts about ‘Energy Cleansing’ and ‘Clean Your Space’ you’ll understand how the atmosphere around us can affect us energetically. It’s the space we are surrounded by, the invisible energy it contains that feeds us. This energy inspires us, gives us ideas, allows’ us to grow. If we stay in one place for too long doing the same thing every day, just like water in a pond, we go stagnant. How often have you said ‘I really need to get out of town for a while?’ because you are ready for a change of space.

Just like people vibrate on different energy frequencies, places do too. Have you noticed how different you feel when you’re in a new place or country? You can instantly relax & feel happy. That is why we feel so good on our holiday’s the new energy space of a different place revives us. You are breathing in new nutrients from the new space around you. When you come home you’re not only chilled out but you’re charged up with new ideas and inspiration. I know I am.

I travel to draw from this pool of new space so I can come back with fresh new ideas for my life and work. I took a big trip around South East Asia over the Christmas break. I visited Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. Each country offered a new culture, new people, new tastes, smells, sights, sounds & that exciting new invisible space. I had a few ideas rolling before I left but it wasn’t until I’d had my change of atmosphere that they truly flourished. Here we are right now with the project inspired from this trip. This blog!

I had huge waves of inspiration for writing and painting in the temples of Angkor Wat. The colours and sounds of the Vietnamese markets set my mind racing with new thoughts. Eating Khmer curry out of a hallow coconut made me want to ditch my plates. All these fresh new experiences was just what I needed when I was so ready to ‘get out of town.’

When you return from a trip you are filled up with the new energy that you bring back too your home. You can fill your space with it breathe it into your usual atmosphere from within you. Bringing back souvenirs or artwork, hanging frames of your trip photographs all pull the new energy into your space & keep it there. You don’t need to travel overseas either. A trip within your own state can offer the same space change. Just like I did in the post ‘Travelling Alone in Fun!’ Go somewhere different, a part of town you seldom visit or try a new restaurant in a suburb you’ve never been too. Anything outside in nature is always a winner too. Trees and water instantly breathe new life into me. It’s all different space and it can revive you if you’re feeling that pull for a change.

Next time you’re feeling flat and looking for some inspiration or a need to get out of town go find yourself a change of space.

Love Seren xx

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