Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

Brighten Your Day

Does anyone else have the problem of not knowing what to wear each day? I know it sounds totally ridiculous on the grand scale of things to be worrying about ‘clothes’ but it does cause a dilemma from a metaphysical point of view.

I touched a little on Colour Therapy in this post back in February. Colours can really have an impact on your energy body. Over the first part of this year I really started paying more attention to the colours around me. Especially the colours I wore. I felt I was wearing far too much black. Black is great but not all the time, it was starting to bring me down. Since I’ve introduced an array of coloured clothing into my life I’ve noticed how colours can alter my mood.

Having certain colours close assists me in communication; concentration, relaxation or a well needed energy boost. That is why I feel it is important to pay attention to the colour of the clothes I’m wearing. Hello wardrobe dilemma.

I used to pick a Colour Therapy card each morning & either carry it with me or wear something of that particular colour. Now I’m using my intuition on a daily basis I’m stepping away from the cards & letting my inner guidance lead me.

A couple of Friday’s ago I was feeling tired, a little run down & a touch grumpy. As I stood in front of my wardrobe I could not decide what to wear. My mood was low so I automatically reached for a dark grey/brown top. It’s a great top, even has a highlight of sparkle to it but it still was a muted, dull colour. Just like my emotions.

My inner knowing kicked in & I got that familiar ‘pulling’ feeling signaling me to pay attention & tune in. I pushed the door back further & there was my answer. A bright pink magenta thick hooded sweater I wear over layers. I’d forgotten all about this top as it had gotten lost down the end of the rack.

When I checked my emails the Kumara Centre’s daily meditation was waiting for me. Perfect synchronicity I was already a step ahead.

Choose a colour to wear today that will brighten your day and make you feel good.

– Michelle Hickman.

Magenta is a powerful colour. Just what I needed that day to kick start my waning enthusiasm. Bright magenta is the colour of the Higher Self, divine love & brings great joy. Magenta can help bridge the gap between duality bringing you back to your inner wisdom. Above else it’s cheery!

I got the message I needed some magenta in my day. When everything seemed doom & gloom a gentle nudge of colour reminded me of my path & why I’m here. Step away from the human emotional drama that is created by my head & sink within. Once I did that I remembered all the pleasure, happiness & excitement there is in my life. This was an instant mood lift.

A huge ‘thank you’ went out to the universe for that one. The day turned out great, which I do feel, was all down to brightening my day with a splash of magenta.

Love Seren xx

Seren Colour Magenta

Energetic Exercise

Over the past few weeks I’ve really noticed when I haven’t exercised as much as my body needs too. Just like stale air in our home can build up if we don’t open the windows & make the place feel yucky energy in our bodies can get stale if we don’t clear it out. I’ve been feeling sluggish & heavy within my body, not a good sign. We need to be flushing out our systems & moving the energy through to prevent a build up which then can manifest into physical symptoms. Exercise is perfect for that.

We are constantly evolving and what worked for me a year ago may not be having the same effect today. This is very true for how much exercise I need. I’ve pulled back on my yoga practice to a ‘maintenance’ level as far as my physical body is concerned. I’m not practicing half as many classes a week as I used too.

Another shift for me is that exercise is no longer about keeping the kilos off. This has been my biggest “ah ha” moment of late. In the past I’d slog it out at the gym, group fitness classes & at yoga with the aim of loosing or maintaining my weight. Epic fail. My weight was constantly yo-yoing. Once my focus shifted within & I ‘gave up’ focusing purely on weight loss magic things happened.

All the work I have done spiritually has made me realize how essential it is to work all four of my bodies in unison – physical, emotional, mental & spiritual in order to be balanced. When I was just focused on the physical body and disregarded the other three of course I wasn’t going to get anywhere. Inside had to change first in order to manifest on the outside. Once I realized this & listened to what my Soul was telling me literally my physical body took on the shape it was meant to be with a lot less effort and complicatedness. Soul is simple.

Sorting out my emotional baggage, getting on my spiritual path & focusing on doing what I love has been the best diet & weight loss program ever. I no longer need a layer of padding around my solar plexus to hide behind. The self-doubt has gone & so have the kilos. It was that straight forward for me*.

For the past year easing off the hard-core exercise has been good for me. It’s been about maintenance, relaxing, nourishing and taking it easy. It’s time to ramp it up again. As I mentioned above physical exercise goes far deeper into the invisible plane. I’ve started to notice the more healing & teaching work I under take the more exercise I need to be doing.

Why? I need to clear my system of any stale energy or emotions that might attach to me from my work. No matter how much protection or spiritual hygiene one does before or after a session a physical release is also needed. Exercising is part of my spiritual hygiene now. Energy, especially emotional energy, can get stored and stuck in every cell of our body. A physical flush out helps release this.

The Bikram Yoga I practice & teach is an amazing release for me. I can literally feel the blockages being sweated out my pores & left on my mat. Yoga of any kind is beneficial.  Yoga asana work deep into the body to a cellular level. It’s not muscles and joints that get worked out, the respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic & endocrine systems get a good going over.  The constant compression and extension of every part of our body inside & out helps flush fresh high speed oxygenated blood through it. Within this blood the stale energy is released & pushed through as well.

For example different energies get stored in different parts of our bodies. Self-doubt is stored in the stomach and fear in our kidneys. During a deep backward bend by compressing into our kidneys that fear is released. Ever get a bit scared when backward bending? It’s totally normal as its all that fear being released.

It’s important to keep our physical body strong & healthy in order to bring in more light. Light (love) raises vibration & assists greatly in the connection with Soul. Recently I’ve started getting headaches & feeling really lethargic. Signs I have not been releasing as much energy as I need to be. This has kept me away from the yoga room. When what I needed was to get in there! My vibration was lowering, as I wasn’t keeping on top of my practice.

Further assurance came when I took a well over due yoga class. I’ve missed yoga. I need it more than ever now to keep clean & clear. Lying in the pool of sweat, with the lights dimmed after class I was so at peace. Opening my eyes who knows how long later I was alone, content & lighter in more ways than one.

I’m sure my body and Soul will tell me when it’s time for a change again. Something new in the exercise field or just dial it down again. Till then the hot room is calling me home.

Love Seren xx

*Disclaimer – this is my own personal journey/experience. I’m not endorsing what I do is a magic way to loose weight & be healthy. Please seek professional advice before taking on a new diet or exercise program.

Click on image to enlarge
 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

Click on image to enlarge

©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

Temple of Balance Oracle Card

Being aware of synchronicities in my every day life is something I am really paying attention too now. They are confirmation I am flowing smoothly in the right direction.  I ordered this book a while back. When it arrived tucked inside was an oracle card from this pack. It was totally out of the blue & I didn’t expect to receive anything apart from the book. I got shivers when I saw Zeiah’s face shining back at me. This is the message about the card:

ZEIAH – Healing Priestess

You are going through a cycle of change. Enjoy the magic of it all. Open to the flow and this will allow the transition to be much smoother. Flow from one thing to the next noticing all the synchronicities and signs along the way confirming that you are in the right place. Love is pulling you forward. Fear will hold you back. Focus on love.

Keywords: Healing. Growth. Change. Love. Transition. Flow.

This message resonated deeply with me. It even speaks of synchronicities. I’ve been in the evolving process of accelerated change & growth for well over twelve months now. My life is moving very quickly on the path it should be now I have surrendered to following my heart. The universal energy is perfect right now for these changes & I feel very well supported.

What was most surprising was the presence of a Healing Priestess. Just twenty-four hours previous I received a rather eye opening Past Life Healing. It wasn’t a regression I was fully present & awake. I discovered that in three of my past lives (and possibly more) I was in fact a Healing Priestess. Before this session I’d not known that much about Priestesses & their work.

It was quite a personal experience so I won’t share too much as it’s something to be kept sacred. I will share that my most significant life that holds the most prevalence to this lifetime is when I was a highly respected Healing Priestess in Avalon.

I’d only just started reading ‘Lost Lands’ that covers Lemuria, Atlantis and Avalon. (Another sign of synchronicity) I definitely skipped to the Avalon chapter to find out more once I got home.

My life in Avalon was all about healing, sharing and teaching others. I feel this is why I have been drawn to both professions in this lifetime. It also explains why my healing skills have felt so natural & have developed ‘easily’ for me. Teaching in any form feels natural & I love it. My intuition told me that I had walked the healing & teaching path before and to a greater extent. I’m definitely pulling that stored knowledge through today.

The life in Avalon did come to a not so happy ending. This created some unfinished business to be healed in order for me to step up to the plate in this life. I received some strong messages as to why my Soul is here in this life. However much I resist I will be pushed hard until I surrender. When I heard this I was laughing so hard I nearly fell off the table. I wasn’t being rude or a naysayer. My laughter was a release. I have literally felt the ‘push’ for months to get on with what I’m here for. I was resisting because of the guilt carried through from my Avalon days.

Now guilt has been healed & I’m whole again I’m more than ready to take action. This card is a solid message, another wee push to keep me heading down my chosen path.


Seren xx

Click on image to enlarge. Courtesy of Temple of Balance Publishing. 
 ©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013
 (please share the love with full credit thanks)

Click on image to enlarge. Courtesy of Temple of Balance Publishing. 

©Seren Holistic Lifestyles Blog 2013

(please share the love with full credit thanks)

Personal Inventory

With just four months left of the year I feel it’s time to take stock, step it up & get things done. I feel the current energy flow is quite frenzied. The end of the year is looming & there is such urgency to ‘get on track’ with things we might have been putting off before. It’s personal inventory time. Take responsibility for our own lives.

A lot have people have woken up (including me) to their spiritual journey over the past few years. Another term I like is ‘remembering.’ After all we are technically already ‘awake.’ We have remembered where we have come from and now we to need to figure out or ‘remember’ why we are here this time round. Finding out life’s purpose is high on the agenda for most.

At the recent Hay House publishing seminar I attended the vibe was much this frenzied high energy. I picked up on quite a ‘frantic & desperate’ vibe amongst the audience members, in a positive way. The search for answers, help & guidance was certainly ripe in the air. I can relate to this very much. At the end of May I was going through just that. I pushing so hard, really desperate to grow, to gain more knowledge without waiting to let what I already had remembered settle. I ‘needed’ to help others so badly (it’s part of why I’m here) I was shoving my knowing on everyone I could. This got me in some trouble when it wasn’t welcomed.

This search for answers was evident around the trade stands at the event. I wasn’t very impressed with the ‘scrum’ I endured to see what was on offer. I dunno maybe I was expecting a little more from a spiritual crowd. If I’d wanted elbowing in the face or books snatched out of my reach I’d have gone to the Harrods sale tee hee.

This is understandable people are seeking help. It’s hard to suddenly realize everything we have been conditioned to think may well not be one size fits all. We need to forge our own paths, our way. We then turn to those ‘in the know’ on the subject with the skills to tune into the invisible. They can help us understand what we are feeling or experiencing so over time we can learn to figure it for ourselves unassisted.

It’s very easy to hand over our power to those in the ‘spiritual spotlight.’ I was advised not long ago that the metaphysical community is rather like Hollywood. Everyone wants a piece and those in the ‘light’ are literally celebrities whether they like it or not. I’m learning the difference between seeking guidance & using other’s as a crutch. Don’t be putting people on pedestals.

It all come’s back to that personal inventory. Only you can sort yourself out. Take the advice and direction from teacher’s & mentors then make it work your way in your life. If you’re a sheep & follow along it doesn’t matter how great an idea it won’t work for you if it’s not come from you. It is tricky, it does take time to make it your own, in your own unique way.

Ask yourself  ‘are happy right now?’ Are you feeling unsettled, unfulfilled & bored? If you are what would you like to change in your life? Make a list of how you would implement these changes in a no holds barred world. Now go & do it! Stop holding back with if’s, but’s & perceived restrictions. The universe is pushing all of us to be in our excellence right now. You’re so well supported it’s ridiculous! Just trust.

I’m doing just that, trusting. I’ve been feeling the push to make a change in my life. It’s time. I know for sure 100% what I should be doing and it’s not what I’m doing. I’ve set the ball in motion, I’ve done my stock take & the resistance is flooding in fast. That is a sure fired signal of reassurance I’m on the right track with my decision on what to do next…

Watch this space! Ha ha I’m such a tease right?!

Love Seren xx

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