The second Super New Moon for 2016 is here! (About 6:25pm Perth, WA time tonight)
How have you been traveling through the last lunar cycle?
Life is definitely far from dull I’m finding. The biggest challenge I’ve been facing is staying grounded. It’s been super easy to stay in my bubble, check out & literally float off. Yeah it’s awesome to be bouncing around in the invisible realms but in order to integrate what I am rediscovering & learning requires a ton of grounding back into my body.
If only shoes were made of hematite! Instead I’ve been wearing hematite bracelets around my ankles & making sure I get out in the garden to lock in my roots each day. I’ve been using some strong blends of essentials oils (Frankincense, White Fir, Arborvitae & Clary Sage) to keep my feet on the ground & all my bodies connected. Blending these with a carrier oil to rub on my feet as well as putting them in the diffuser has really assisted me get grounded.

Essential Oils for staying grounded.
This months Super New Moon is yet again a fresh new opportunity to turn up the volume on your life. Get focused, be in your power centre, move away from the negative Nellies & hone in on the positive messages you can bring to the world by being the BEST version of yourself. Do it for you & the effect will wash out to those who need some inspiring themselves.
Today I’m sharing with you a brand new live recorded voice Channel. I’m still working on the quality of these sessions so I’d suggest listening through ear phones as the recording is fairly quiet. The guidance I channel comes from my Galactic Guides whom I connect with.
Slowly I am getting into the swing of recording live channel sessions. The only way I will l build my confidence is to keep going!
Interesting when I listened back myself I found that towards the end another channel had started to come through but then it stops. Apologies if the last five minutes make no sense. I feel my guides were starting on a new message but then human Kat kicked in & I lost the connection. All part of the learning curve! Next step is figuring out how to edit these nicely 😉
Enjoy & I hope there is some nuggets of knowledge that ignite a flame today.
Much love,