Oracle Card reading – 24th August 2016


{ORACLE READING} With the power surge of positive empowering energy following Full Moon last week I felt it was time for an oracle card reading.

I was drawn to using cards from three different decks today. Focus on the cards in the image. Which card are you instantly drawn too first? Try not to second guess it, follow your intuition. This is your guidance for today & over the next few days. Scroll down the page for your channeled reading.

Enjoy! Love,






Card Pull 24 Aug 3 cards






Card Pull 24 Aug Card A


{CARD A} Goddess
From Angel Therapy by Doreen Virtue, Hay House.

You are such a powerful and strong divine being. Even if you are male we all have a feminine side we can bring forward. Goddess is asking you to connect with your compassionate, loving and nurturing self today.

Have you been looking after yourself with the respect you deserve? Self-care is very important right now under the current cycle. Honour this in a way that will nourish you on all levels.

Allow your femininity to flow and flourish. I’m feeling today’s message is about softening, relaxing and creating something beautiful. Even if your inner Goddess is more of a Zena Warrior Princess bring elegance to this strength. We all express ourselves in different ways. How can you invite more of your Goddess out to show the world you courageous, yet gentle loving self today? xx




Card Pull 24 Aug Card B


{CARD B} Let your inner beauty shine – Pink Rose.
From Flower Therapy by Doreen Virtue and Robert Reeves, Hay House.

This is a good one. Have you been hiding yourself away recently? It’s normal retreat a little during eclipse season, as we may not be feeling too shiny as it feels like we are going through the spin cycle. Remember you might just be the inspiration someone else needs right now whilst they are going through their stuff. Your story may assist others to stand in their power as they will realise we are all one and no one is alone.

Connect with the beauty of Pink Rose today. We are all created in the eye of perfection and divine love. Our souls only know perfection and will tell you this every single day if you just listen. You are perfect. Stand tall, step out of the shadows and shine brighter than ever, as this is your time! The spot light is waiting but its up to you to take the first step forward xx




Card Pull 24 Aug Card C


{CARD C} Doubt
From The Soul’s Journey Lesson Cards by James Van Praagh, Hay House.

Doubt is a gift to let us know we are going in the right direction and making positive change. It’s the equal and opposite of confidence. You must be feeling confident for it’s shadow to present therefore. Step forward with certainty you are going good.

We do not need to know every last detail in life. The adventure is in the discovery along the way. How awesome is it to find out new, unexpected things or stumble down a side road to discover gold?

Trust any doubt is there to reassure you today that everything is as it should be. Acknowledge it then move. Relax and surrender to the Universal plan that’s got your back xx

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