I hope that everyone tuning in as been travelling well over the past month? The energy of contraction and expansion is ever present as always. Trying to keep up with the pace of it may have brought up some old challenges for some. For me, my feet barely have touched the ground between expansions before I’m down again in contraction. The best way to handle this I’ve found is just to let it be and not struggle. Swim across the current rather than against it.
In Monday’s post, I reported on breaking routines and not getting stressed out that I haven’t shown up to connect online. I resonate deeply with being a multidimensional being and having a multi-layered life to reflect this. Even though I may not have been ‘present’ online with a post or photo does not mean we were not connected. The work is always happening, and messages are transmitted even if it is not in the physical realm.
All year I have been drawn to try new things. I’ve mixed up my exercise routine and yoga practice depending on my energy levels & what my body is craving. Nothing worse than dragging your butt through a hot practice because it is ‘convenient’ when all my Soul wanted was to yin it out on a bolster. The opposite is true also if I need a yang class then get out there and find one, even if it’s not at a studio I have a membership. Following my intuition as to what ‘I’ need the most without being influenced externally or perceived easier.
During stages of contraction (which are excellent and not to be feared or hated) I tend to go a bit quiet naturally. For highly sensitive people being in the outer world when our inner world is going through a clear out can be difficult. The amount of physic debris that gets picked up when out and about can be a little exhausting. I prefer to hang out in my dirt first to make sure it’s my stuff I’m cleaning out not someone else’s.
Once I’m out the other side feeling shiny and up-leveled I’m more than ready to work and be in public again.
Welcome to New Moon in Taurus today at 8:16 pm WA time. If you have been like me hiding away and having a nesting few weeks trust you have been in good company. It has been a never-ending cycle of clearing out this year. I didn’t think I had any more stuff to donate or recycle. There was still more I felt I could let go.
Making your environment, especially your home, inviting, cosy and sacred is essential to our wellbeing. When my house is untidy and dirty, my energy levels drop, and I feel down and out too. Dust holds stale energy, keep sweeping it away to keep the energy light. I always feel so much brighter when my space is clean. It may even be time for a full-on makeover, paint, polish and rearrange. My oracle cards are calling for a bigger bookshelf for sure. You don’t have to move house to shift the energy, just decorate!
Today I have been drawn to sharing an oracle card reading under the New Moon energy. I’m using a super cool new deck from the fabulous Vix over at New Age Hipster. This deck is so simple to use. It doesn’t even have a guidebook, as the intention is to tap into your intuition. The entire deck is made up of photo’s are from Vix’s personal collection from Instagram. Grab your own deck ($6 postage to Australia!) HERE.
Therefore I have left it completely up to you how you read these cards today! Have fun, tune into your heart, look at the photos and take note of the first messages that come up for you.
Enjoy, love,
To find out more about Vix at New Age Hipster check out the links below. I can highly recommend a personal video card reading from Vix, totally mind blowing and very spot on.
April New Moon Oracle Card Reading
Card A
Crystal – Amethyst
Card B
Crystal – Rose Quartz
Card C
Crystal – Moss Agate