Many of us on the self-development & spiritual growth path just love to attend (or host) workshops. These can be very enriching & empowering experiences. A lot can shift in just a few short hours. A day or two in linear time can feel much longer when you’ve been in an energy bubble.
Being cocooned in a safe, nurturing environment is so magical. Especially if you’ve felt alone, unsupported & have no one who shares your passion for all this woo woo stuff. Spending time with like-minded people shows you’re not going bonkers. (Everyone else are the bonkers one’s haha!) You’ve expanded & accelerated in ways that are beyond what the human mind can comprehend.
Leaving such a sacred space & re-entering the ‘real world’ can be a bit of a culture shock. Don’t be sacred! I’m here today to help you with the integration process.
For me personally I find it beneficial to follow some simple steps for a few days after a workshop. This assists to gently ease myself into the new energy. Especially if I have been teaching/facilitating the workshop I can feel very alive & uplifted afterwards but if I’m not careful I can crash quickly. I still receive an upgrade from hosting & need just as much, if not more, after care.
The Healing Hangover.
A few months ago I wrote on my Seren FB page about the term I love to use ‘The Healing Hangover.’ It’s how I describe the ‘detox’ symptoms you may experience after an energy healing or workshop. Okay, it’s uncomfortable but I welcome the experience as its confirmation the work is happening.
Contraction before the expansion.
Just like with an alcohol induced hangover the day after a workshop you may wake up feeling:
- Fuzzy
- Dehydrated
- Headache
- Tired
- Sore muscles
- Nauseous
Some or all may or may not be present. The energy truck has run you down & reversed back over you. (Do trust it’s all good, things are shifting & clearing) You may feel nothing at all, again this is FINE! Everybody is different. If you’re getting an easy ride that’s awesome.
The healing effects of a workshop/healing session carry on for some days afterward. Our Chakras are balanced, old emotions may have been released & all our four bodies have had a good shake up. Just like any detox the physical body can bear the brunt.
What to do:
Take it easy honey – I advise clients to take it easy on themselves over the days following a workshop/session. If you can take the day off (any excuse to skip out of a Monday!) then that is wonderful. If that’s impossible you can still do your best not to push too hard.
- Get a good night sleep.
- Clear your schedule as much as you can.
- Try not to plan any big events or meetings.
- Avoid negative environments.
- Be outside in natural daylight.
- Do gentle exercise – yoga, walking, Qi Gong/Tai Chi or swimming.
- Meditate – using amethyst the master healer is perfect.
- Read, watch a movie or have a massage.
- Breathe – deeply & slowly.

Some gentle yoga is fabulous for shifting & integrating new energy. Photography by Ben Marden Photography
Hydrate – Water is super important, especially if you are feeling lethargic & have a headache. Water is a transmitter that flushes out the physical body by getting rid of toxins. It also moves energy clearing out the old, stale stuff to make room for the new. The more you drink the better you will feel. Sip on good quality filtered water throughout the day.
I personally would recommend avoiding alcohol. Obviously it will dehydrate you but it’s effects are amplified. You may find yourself smashed quicker than usual & having a full on hangover the next day.
Ideally two to three litres. Adding a squeeze of fresh citrus fruit is amazing (& less boring!) or add a few drops doTERRA essential oils – lime, lemon or grapefruit are awesome. My favourite is ice-cold coconut water packed full of replenishing electrolytes.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
Salt baths – Taking a relaxing bath in Epsom salts is a great way to unwind & get some minerals into your system. If you live by the ocean even better, go for a swim in the sea!
Eat well – Your body will thank you for some good clean food. High vibrational food straight from the earth will help you literally digest some new energy to keep you topped up. Eat as clean as you can. Vegetables, salad & organic cold pressed juices are brilliant choices. I don’t tend to feel hungry during energy sessions but it hits the next day, I’m starving. Make sure you’ve stocked up on good quality fresh food so you’re not reaching for the easy crap.
Be aware of heightened sensitivity – Again don’t freak out but just be prepared that you could be a little extra sensitive. That is why I suggest you don’t have a huge day planned. Situations or people that usually don’t bother you suddenly might. Deep conscious breathing works a treat. When challenged or the emotions arise, just breathe.
Do take the time following a workshop to just be. Honour your Soul by gently easing yourself back into the world.

Sit quietly & just be x
It doesn’t have to stop there. Keep on being kind to yourself everyday. This will maintain the bubble of love feeling you felt during the workshop, and then it will become the norm. Everyday will feel like you’re on retreat.
Loads of love,