Hello there dearest readers. I’m sure by the time this post gets ‘pressed’ it will be way out of my usual posting schedule. Over the past year I’ve been pretty good at showing up on time Tuesday & Thursday every week. Consistency is key to building an online presence, making it easy for those who follow to know when to check in. It also assists in building relationships. But you know what sometimes things just don’t happen the way you planned all the time. That is why I’m posting on a Wednesday!
I’m currently working my way through an amazing online course ‘Bright Eyed & Blog Hearted’ with the super coach extraordinaire Rachel McDonald. I’m learning so much about blogging & running an online business it’s kind of ironic I simply can not get online to implement my course work right now. This site is a visual ‘mess’ (to me anyway!). I’m itching to get to know what I can do now I’m ‘self-hosted’ in WordPress, think custom themes, plugins, spam filters, no adverts!
Over the weekend I struggled to get a post together for today. It’s OKAY though! I’m fine with the way plans & scheduling can change quickly at the moment. I can fully accept that sometimes other aspects of life need to be dealt with first. The ‘me’ of three years ago would have been stressing & straining. Staying up late to bang out ‘something’ to post the next day. The inner control freak would have been beating herself up, feeling like I was letting my readers down by not delivering. Sometimes that approach can create a surprisingly good post. That wasn’t an option this time.
For me now though I don’t want my posts to be forced, ‘mend & make do’ style. It’s not who I am. Everything I post I wish to be authentic, from my heart with meaning & resonance. Not nobbled together just because I need something up on the blog.
That is why part 3 of my Indian Pacific adventure is not up online this week. It’s not even close to being ready. Sure this has upset the flow of a three part series. I could have spent time right now putting that together instead of this post for consistency value. It just didn’t feel right. I felt I needed to let you all know I’m not super women & things do change. And it’s okay to roll with these changes. Especially this past two weeks, things are moving, changing & shifting at an accelerated rate.
Why haven’t I had time to blog?
Since returning from my trip to Adelaide my business has sky rocketed. Everything is the result of my solid efforts, hard work, beliefs & determination. I had three presenting events last week, in person healing sessions, marketing, design work & my usual (but reduced) yoga classes to teach. Hosting a workshop at my house meant cleaning, tidying & preparation needed to be made time for. I simply could not fit in blog writing. A lot of other important paid jobs have been put aside too to this week which is filling up fast as well. It’s fantastic, just where I want to be. I’m so grateful everything is taking off & heading in the direction I wished to manifest. It just means no time for writing.
On Monday in my true style I asked my Angels for some quick advice as to my current situation by pulling an Angel Feather oracle card on a phone app I have. I was looking for reassurance that everything, all this plan switching & swapping, was all in my best interests. Here’s what came up:
BUSINESS GROWTH. Enough said. It’s exactly what I had intuited for myself & my mentor had told me so as well. Now my Angels had confirmed my full packed schedule is because my business is growing.
Where is this all leading?
My point here is that it is okay when your planned schedule changes. Just re-prioritize, write lists of what must be dealt with first & cross them of as you go. I have fully trusted the plan changes I’ve had this past fortnight are fully in my best interests. Despite having a major bought of overwhelm getting ready for my speaking commitments (whole new post of that coming soon, eventually in the future!) everything worked out, better than I could have hoped.
How did I deal with all this change?
Just by staying present in that exact moment & dealing with what needed to be done then & there. Not worrying or focusing on what I hadn’t achieved or what was waiting for me later on. All this without running myself into the ground or missing out on all important down time & self-love. Okay I haven’t blogged but writing could still be classed as ‘work.’ Taking the afternoons off after both presentations to sit & chat with a friends for ‘hours’ served me so much better that rushing home to work on my next event.
My message is:
Its okay when plans have to change, let it be, it is what it is right now. Presence is everything. Breathe, smile, relax, give gratitude & surrender to the flow life is.
With love, K xx