In keeping with tradition as the year comes to a close it’s time to reflect & celebrate. I feel it is important to look back & review. Acknowledging what I have learned will assist in closing loops on lessons & hopefully not repeated. Celebrating my achievements is so important as this will help accelerate me into my next phase of my life plan. Building my self-worth has been a huge theme this year for me. Recognising my success, no matter how small is beneficial.
2013 went extremely quickly. I was warned it would do. In what feels like a blink of an eye it’s December again. This past year has been difficult energetically; there have been many challenges to overcome. With great gain there has also been huge loss. Some people have felt this more than others. For me I have used this chaotic energy to finally break free & soar to my fullest potential.
Here are my 2013 highlights:
Seeing in the New Year in South East Asia.
This time last year I was travelling across Cambodia into Thailand to see in the New Year in Bangkok. The previous week had been amazing absorbed in the culture of South East Asia. I fulfilled my dream of seeing the Angkor Wat temple complex & was blown away by the whole experience.
Learning Reiki healing.
My desire was to learn how to heal myself & understand more deeply how energy impacts our lives lead me to learning Reiki. It was a real light bulb moment being attuned to the Reiki energy. It took me to a new level consciousness. It felt like I was dusting off some very old cobwebs & peeling back more layers to find out why I am here on earth this lifetime. Healing is a natural talent for me that has been engrained into my Soul’s path for many, many lifetimes. Discovering this (through past life healing) assisted me in making some huge life changing choices that I’m so glad I did.
Mastering Mentoring with Elizabeth Peru.
Taking the Master Mentoring program in March accelerated my spiritual development even further. I finally learned to step into my power. Being ‘too nice’ & giving too much away was actually counter productive & making me sad. Recognising my self-worth has been a very important learning curve.
Elizabeth helped me understand it’s okay to look after myself first its called being assertive. We actually need to do this in order to best serve others. This is the key to living an authentic life, staying true to you. Sticking to my boundaries is getting easier. I can say ‘no’ without feeling guilty. The guilt I used to feel because I felt I was letting people down has been replaced with a happy tingle I’m leading by example. I don’t have to be everything to everybody. By saying no I may just open up a space for others to figure out they can simply do things for themselves.
Working knowingly with the Universe.
The greatest lesson I learned is to trust the Universe. We all, every one of us, has this abundant energy source at our fingertips. All we need to do is tap in & use it by simply asking for help. The best part is it is infinite, the source will never run dry. It actually gets stronger the more it is used. Life certainly gets high paced when you’re in the universal flow.
Letting the ‘real’ me shine through.
The ‘real’ me finally cracked through the surface. I had spent too long trying to fit in, doing what I thought was best to please others & keeping my mouth shut. My personal outer image changed quite dramatically. I love my new look.
Every aspect of my life came under review; career, friendships, study, exercise & nutrition. I cleared out what was no longer serving me. The lightness I feel is fantastic. The charity shops did very well from me this year. I’m no longer bogged down by ‘stuff’ or people who don’t lift me to dizzy heights.
Personal wealth is no longer about possessions or how fat my pay cheque is. I measure my wealth on my happiness & the speed I leap out of bed in the morning to start my day. In this respect I’m a millionaire!
Starting my own business
This should really be the number one highlight of the year but I’m kind of working in chronological order! I quit my secure full time job in the city working for people I loved & respected to go it alone. No regrets this decision was by far the best. Living my life on my terms really suits me.
I balance my days between teaching yoga full time, conducting healing sessions & freelance design. I’m so grateful I can start each day sat under a tree in my garden meditating. Using my design skills to help market my business brings me so much joy. ‘I’m’ finally benefiting from my talents instead of giving it all away to others. My working day is long but the hours fly by. I barely notice as I’m having so much fun.
What’s in store for next year?
2014 will be slower paced. It will be a huge year for everybody who wishes to personally develop on a spiritual level. No you won’t all be suddenly finding an urge to get your ‘Om’ on, it just means you’ll be going inside for your answers.
Travel will be on my agenda for sure. There are a few reasons I will need to travel next year for work & for fun. ‘Shoestring, budget & basic’ just channelled through. Basing my adventures around these I feel will bring the best experience & joy.
My intention for next year is “Simplicity.” I feel things need to get simple first that will lead to greater personal success on all levels.
Happy New Year everyone, may it be happy, healthy & full of joy, love Kathryn xxx